drScratch is an analytical tool that evaluates your Scratch projects in a variety of computational areas to provide feedback on aspects such as abstraction, logical thinking, synchronization, parallelization, flow control, user interactivity and data representation. This analyzer is a helpful tool to evaluate your own projects, or those of your Scratch students.
You can try an online version of drScratch at http://drscratch.programamos.es
- Clone this repo
- Edit drScratch/settings.py for
- ALLOWED HOSTS (leave empty if trying out in your box)
- DATABASES (use 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', and 'NAME': "db" for instance)
- Run python manage.py syncdb
- Run python manage.py runserver (to have it running on http://localhost:8080/)
- Python
- Django
- kurt python module