A collection of general purpose Powershell code with no particular theme.
A quick function to convert a SecureString object in to plaintext
PS$> $securestring = Read-Host -Prompt "type some text" -AsSecureString
PS$> Show-SecureString $securestring
Shows a table of all active connections, the owning process, and running user
PS$> Get-Connections
LocalAddress LocalPort RemoteAddress RemotePort State Process User
------------ --------- ------------- ---------- ----- ------- ---- 49665 0 Listen wininit 49666 0 Listen svchost NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 49667 0 Listen svchost NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL
PS$> Get-Connections -LocalPort 9395
LocalAddress LocalPort RemoteAddress RemotePort State Process User
------------ --------- ------------- ---------- ----- ------- ---- 9395 0 Listen Veeam.EndPoint.Service NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 9395 49719 Established Veeam.EndPoint.Service NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
A simple modification of the Start-Sleep cmdlet to allow sleeping an action until a desired time. AKA without having to do math.
PS$> Sleep-Until 8:00pm; Shutdown /a
This is a silly function I wrote in the middle of an awful meeting to make a coworker laugh.
PS$> ConvertTo-SarcasmFont "I'm really interested in what you have to say"
Now it's on your clipboard, paste and enjoy
i'm rEaLlY InTeReStEd iN WhAt yOu hAvE To sAy
Or pass the "-output" parameter to have it output to the console instead of going to the clipboard.
A silly little function that counts down seconds on the console with a little color for flair. Add it in to a script loop that you want to stall for a bit and it gives you something to look at.
This started off as an exercise to see how easy it would be to obfuscate a bunch of text, possibly code, to bypass detection from host based antivirus. I was playing around with just converting text in to its Unicode character number representation and then deliminating it with random text and that worked pretty well. Then I thought it might be a little too obvious looking that the numbers represented Unicode characters so I decided to multiply each one by a high prime digit.
All said and done I'm not sure if this is considered encoding or encryption, but suffice to say without having these functions available (to see the prime number) it would likely take a very long time to reverse this.
You can either type a string you want to convert, or you can pipe something to this function.
PS$> ConvertTo-Garbage "hack the planet"
PS$> $ENV:Username | ConvertTo-Garbage
The companion function to the ConvertTo-Garbage function that reverses the process to turn "garbage" back in to a human readable string.
PS$> $text = @'
PS$> ConvertFrom-Garbage $text
hack the planet
PS$> $text = @'
PS$> ConvertFrom-Garbage $text
Courtney Bodett
The use of "here-strings" (@' '@) is required on the "garbage" as it employs special characters that Powershell will try to interpret instead of taking it as a string value.
I'm often using these functions when storing sensitive data in property values, sometimes even before exporting to CSV. This means I'm usually able to call the garbage text by its property name like
PS$> $CSV = Import-Csv c:\temp\data.csv
PS$> $CSV[0].Password | ConvertFrom-Garbage
Super Secret Password
These are fairly hacky functions and I know there's more error handling that could be put in. Take them at face value.
Only tested in one Active Directory environment and a personal machine. Function returns the current, or remote, computer's uptime as well as some other information.
PS$> Get-ComputerUpTime
Computer : Win10-05ERJJ4
Windows : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version : 10.0.19044
LastBoot : 6/30/2022 2:11:13 PM
Uptime : 00D:04H:56M:20S
InstallDate : 3/6/2021 8:00:56 PM
A Powershell wrapper for quser to provide object output.
PS$> Invoke-Quser
ComputerName : Localhost
Username : John Doe
SessionID : 1
SessionName : console
State : Active
IdleTime : none
LogonTime : 7/7/2022 9:03:00 AM
PS$> Invoke-Quser -ComputerName ContosoPC1
ComputerName : ContosoPC1
Username : CerealKiller
SessionID : 2
SessionName : rdp-tcp#90
State : Active
IdleTime : none
LogonTime : 7/6/2022 9:03:00 PM
A function wrapper for the .NET GeoCoordinateWatcher class. Returns GPS coordinates derived from the Location Services of the computer.
Remote computer inspection leverages Invoke-Command and requires WinRM to be working.
PS$> Get-GeoLocation
Computer Location NetAdapter
-------- -------- ----------
Gibson 37.232885, -115.806122 Ethernet 2
PS$> Get-GeoLocation -ComputerName ContosoPC1
Computer Location NetAdapter
-------- -------- ----------
ContosoPC1 38.871138, -77.057071 Wi-Fi