Im doing a vampire vs lycan MMORPG and really want the server in java for many reasons. The client is using Unity 6.
- Player Housing for sure, probably instanced like Lord of the Rings Online.
- Housing to be premade homes to pick from like in SecondLife.
- PvP & PvPvE battlegrounds
- PvE missions
- Combat be with guns, lots of guns!
- Crafting probably a mix of WoW and Minecraft
- TCP / UDP connection (kinda done)
- MariaDB for database saving and stuff
- Synced data for all those within range of each other, ie. NPC moves within 10 yards of 3 players
- Microtransactions store that server owners can then mod.
- Custom story telling through missions(quests)
- Theres no game where players are vampires/lycans, its all about killing them
- I really loved the Underworld trilogy and figure write my own continuation of the story.
- Im all self taught with scripting/programming, first started in PHP in 1999 so want to expand my knowledge.
- LOVE MMORPG's but it seems to be a dieing thing since Minecraft which i also love to play.
It all started when a friend got me into world of warcraft where i met another friend who ill call Raktou. Raktou then showed me private servers and thats where my facination of game development started from seeing all the hidden unfinished stuff in WoW. This was like TBC era 2.4 patch. We were waiting for the server to come back online with the new patch when Raktou told me of private servers. When Minecraft came out i didnt know till patch 1.3 and thats when i learned that privately hosted servers were legit and encouraged by Mojang.
So this is why I made the server files public, i believe in shared knowledge, shared experience and i need help with this since im new to Java. I like to be able to allow private server owners to tell their own stories too using our assets.
Sell the game for like $20 CAD, i hate how WoW then charges for expansions so wont do that. Free-to-play, subscriptions (VIP's) gets a bigger home lot, cosemtics and more. Microtransaction store. There WILL be official servers that people can play on or choose to go private. Currently login to the client is via my GridPlay One Account system and only for my premium users. GPPremium can only be bought monthly inside SecondLife with Linden Dollars.