Scott Chacon
- git clone // pull + setup
- git init // starts new .git
- git pull origin master // fetch + merge
- git fetch origin master // pull not merge
- git remote // show remotes
- git remote remove origin // removes origin (which is an alias for the git server)
- git remote add theHub // add theHub (alias)
- git add -p file // add changes one at a time
- git add . // add all
- git reset // undo git add
- git commit -am 'Lazy' // commit + add all
- git push origin master // replace origin's master with your current branch
- git branch // show branches
- git branch blue // create branch blue at head
- git checkout red // switch to red branch (move head to red)
- git checkout -b maroon red // create branch maroon at red and switch to maroon
- git merge blue // merge blue with current branch, then move head to newly merged version
- git log -p // show patch
- git log --stat // something to do with stats
- git log jMaster ^rMaster // Everything unique to Josh's master compared to Rob's master
- git config --global color.ui true
- git config --global "log --oneline --graph --decorate"
- git config --global "status -s" // simple one line
- git config --global “commit -am” // Commit all w/ message
Q: How did he get [~/ (master)] as his bash prompt?