ooooo pretty and functional
Keep in mind this update has breaking changes to project.json files. You should delete em before updating.
Two important things in this update
- It looks pretty(er)
- It has cache managment (lock files)
- Simplified project.json files; cache data, ids and value-hash have been moved to the project-lock.json file
- dfb16bd: ignore ds_store (quiquelhappy)
- 114b72c: use go modules (quiquelhappy)
- 282edb9: pretty readme (quiquelhappy)
- a2336bd: simplify the api wrapper (quiquelhappy)
- ce04e29: added globals for the keychain service (quiquelhappy)
- 159f357: new logging system (quiquelhappy)
- 85021e9: deprecated in order to use the recoded version with the new log system and lock files (quiquelhappy)
- ad0e341: use the new log system (quiquelhappy)
- 7639cfc: improved import paths (prevents circular imports) and new logging system (quiquelhappy)
- 24b2cae: updated survey, added spinner (quiquelhappy)
- 7fb5c60: object-based api objects (quiquelhappy)
- a3bd07b: session system (preparing for premium resources) (quiquelhappy)