It seems that by now the use of this bot is easily identified by the admins of The Crims. I do not know what checks they do precisely, but from the latest feedback received from users of the bot, I can confirm that it is easily detected. I strongly advise against using it in a mass manner, as the chances of being banned are very high.
Use it at your own risk!
This is a new version of the bot The Crims Italian Bot that I've developed to play the online game The Crims without manually performing most of the tedious tasks of the game.
The bot V2 has been rewritten from the beginning.
Noteworthy improvements are:
- Anti-logging mechanism in order to emulate mouse click and movement (the previous bot lack of this). It can be surely improved, but the basics are in.
- Added start menu for selecting the bot action to perform
- (For developers) Typescript as programming language in order to have better code organization
For discussion not related to the development of the bot, please join this discord server: Discord Server
I have made this bot on my free time. So do not expect the perfection from this bot :)
You can obviously contribute on it in order to improve the bot.
⚠️ Before run the bot make sure that the following points have been done:
- Single Robberies: checkbox Full Stamina must be checked
You can find here on Github a Releases ready to use.
In order to start the bot you need to:
- copy all the content of the file
in the clipboard (I suggest CTRL+A to select all and then CTRL+C to copy the selected text) - open the console browser, usually using F12 or through the browser menu
- paste the content of the file
in the browser console - press ENTER
The bot will prompt the action to do:
Insert the number of the action you want to perform and then press OK button.
The bot will start perform the selected action.
⚠️ TO STOP the bot, just refresh the browser. Do not perform the refresh inside rave, you could experience bad behavior :)
The bot has some settings/parameters that can be customized.
To change the settings/parameters you have to search in the release.js
file the following string:
let BotSettingsManager = class BotSettingsManager
and then change the values according your needs.
I know that this is not user friendly and can be improved, but it works :)
The bot has a feature that permits to remove DOM elements from the page so they will not be displayed.
The DOM elements that have to be removed must be defined in the following property, using its query selector:
querySelectorsDOMElementsToRemove: [
For example to remove some images:
querySelectorsDOMElementsToRemove: [
The bot has a feature that permits to set the path strategy to use for mouse movement.
The following property can be used in order to set the mouse movement path strategy to use:
coordinatePathStrategy: {
useLinearPathStrategy: false,
useWindPathStrategy: true
Just se to true
(and the other to false
) the strategy you want to use.
At the moment is not possible to change values parameters for the strategies.
Once it has been started, the bot has a functionality to pause and resume its execution.
In order to be able to use this functionality, you must have the focus on the browser. To get browser focus, you can:
- click on the title bar of the browser (or in most of other parts of the UI of the browser)
- click on the website page
- other way that at the moment don't come in my mind :)
By default, the pause and the resume functionality can be triggered with the keyboard keys combination ctrl+alt+s
If the combination is pressed while the bot is running, then the bot will pause.
If the combination is pressed while the bot is paused, then the bot will continue from where it paused.
The keyboard keys combination shortcut to pause and resume the bot execution, can be customized by changing the following properties:
pauseResume: {
ctrlOrMetaKeyNecessary: true,
altKeyNecessary: true,
keyboardKeyForPauseResumeBot: "s"
For example, if you want to pause and resume the bot execution with the shortcut alt+p
, you have to set the property like the following configuration:
pauseResume: {
ctrlOrMetaKeyNecessary: false,
altKeyNecessary: true,
keyboardKeyForPauseResumeBot: "p"
If you want to pause and resume the bot execution by only pressing the key letter s
, you have to set the property like the following configuration:
pauseResume: {
ctrlOrMetaKeyNecessary: false,
altKeyNecessary: false,
keyboardKeyForPauseResumeBot: "s"
⚠️ Beware to not use a keyboard keys combination shortcut that can collide with an already existing combination shortcut. For example, if you setctrl+s
, it collides with theSave as...
functionality of the browser and you can get unwanted behaviors.
The bot has a parameter that can be configured in order to set the speed of the fake cursor. To change the bot speed, the following property can be updated:
mouse: {
numberOfCoordinatesToSkip: 4
The higher the value, the faster will be the bot (but a lower number of logs the anti-cheating system creates). The lower the value, the lower will be the bot, (but a higher number of logs the anti-cheating system creates).
The default value is 4. From my tests this is a value with good balance on speed/logs creation.
Moreover from my tests, the bot speed is CPU dependant: a more powerful CPU will perform better even with lower value of this setting.
By default the bot will use a random rave in order to recharge.
You can set to use favorite rave by changing the following setting to false
useRandomRaveForRecharge: false,
This way the bot will use the first favorite rave. There's a fallback for this: if no favorite rave is found, it will use a random one.
By default the bot will perform detox if current addiction is a random value in a range of min and a max value. You can change the threshold by changing the following setting:
detox: {
threshold: {
min: 25,
max: 65
For single robbery the first thing to do is to execute manually the robbery you want to perform.
⚠️ DO NOT FORGET to check Full Stamina checkbox before manually perform the robbery! The bot currently doesn't work well without checking Full Stamina checkbox!
The bot automatically will perform the currently selected single robbery and when necessary it will recharge.
For gang robbery you must be in a gang that is performing gang robbery (virtual or not).
Then the bot will press Accept
or Do the score
button automatically and also will recharge when necessary.
You can also disable the press of Do the score
button automatically (for example when robbing in a not virtual gang) by changing the following setting:
gangRobbery: {
clickOnDoTheScoreButton: false
The bot has a feature that permits to define a list of usernames or user id that are allowed to kill us. If a user (or user id) that is NOT in the above mentioned lists, enters in rave, the bot will exit. If a user (or user id) that is in one of the above lists, enters in rave, bot will remain in rave and wait to be killed.
waitToBeKilled: {
visitorsListAllowedToKill: [],
idVisitorsListAllowedToKill: [],
The username check is case insensitive, so there is no difference between the username Greg
or greg
or GrEg
For example, to allow only user Greg
or user with id 666
to kill us, the above setting should configured like this:
waitToBeKilled: {
visitorsListAllowedToKill: ["Greg"],
idVisitorsListAllowedToKill: ["666"],
There is also an option to enter only in Hooker Mansion while performing wait to be killed in order to increment the chances to "meet with friend".
The option to set (enabled by default) is: enterOnlyHookerMansion
You have to set the max level, min and max respect for each profession in the following settings:
singleAssault: {
criteriaAssault: {
⚠️ A default configuration is already present in the bot, but you need to review it in order to understand if it fits your need and change it accordingly.
⚠️ All settings for all profession must be configured If you want skip/disable some profession to match criteria, I suggest to setmaxLevel
to 0 for that profession, in order to never be matched.
The maxLevel
property, indicates the max level, for a specific profession, the bot should consider in order to match level criteria. The criteria is matched if the victim level is less or equals than maxLevel
. For example if victim level is 8 and maxLevel
is set to 10 the criteria will be matched. If the victim level is 10 and maxLevel
is set to 8, the level criteria is NOT matched.
The minRespect
and maxRespect
properties, indicate the min and max respect, for a specific profession, the bot should consider in order to match the respect criteria. The criteria is matched if victim respect is less or equals than maxRespect
and greater or equals than minRespect
If both level criteria and respect criteria are matched,the victim will be assaulted (otherwise exit from rave)
Example of configuration for Robber profession:
maxLevel: 10,
minRespect: 50000,
maxRespect: 50000000
The above configuration is valid for Robber victim that:
- has a level <= 10
- respect is >= 50000
- respect is <= 50000000
You can also set a different speed for the path of the fake cursor to Attack button by changing the setting: mouseSpeedToPressAttackButton
Since it is a factor that is added/subtracted to the base speed of the bot, you have to set a negative value to slow down the speed of the fake cursor, or set a positive factor > 0 to speed up the fake cursor (set to 0 to not change speed).
It is also possible to set a list of victim usernames or ids to kill, without any restriction on victim respect and level. This is useful when you want to kill specific victim that is your friend (for example when a friend is using wait to be killed functionality yo donate kill). The settings where put usernames and/or ids are:
victimToAttackList: ["username1", "username2", ...],
victimIdsToAttackList: [123, 456, ...]
You can also set a list of victims username or victims id to avoid to kill and exit instantly from the rave. You can set usernames or ids list in the following settings:
victimUsernameToAvoidToKillList: ["USERNAME_1", "USERNAME_2", ... , "USERNAME_x"],
victimIdsToAvoidToKillList: ["ID_1", "ID_2", ... , "ID_X"]
For example to avoid to kill victim (and exit from rave) if username of victim isfoo
or bar
or user victim with id 1234566789
is in rave:
victimUsernameToAvoidToKillList: ["foo", "bar"],
victimIdsToAvoidToKillList: ["123456789"]
There is also the functionality to avoid to kill victim (and exit from rave) if country is in specific set. You can set country code list in the following settings:
victimCountriesToAvoidToKillList: ["COUNTRY_CODE_1", "COUNTRY_CODE_2", "..."]
For example, to avoid to kill italian and brazilian players:
victimCountriesToAvoidToKillList: ["IT", "BR"],
Mapping of the "main" country codes is the following (please report if a mapping is wrong or new mapping for countries not present in the list):
English - EN
Svenska - SV
Polska - PL
Spanish - ES
Portuguese - PT
Slovenian - SI
Czech - CZ
Deutsch - DE
Romanian - RO
Lithuanian - LT
Greek - EL
Norsk - NO
Arabic - EG
Italian - IT
Russian - RU
Brazilian - BR
Turkish - TR
Indonesian - ID
Albanian - AL
Latvian - LV
Slovak - SK
French - FR
Finnish - FI
Serbian - CS
Chinese - CN
Chinese Traditional - CNT
Malay - MS
Bulgarian - BG
You can also use the above settings, to kill only specific country players. To do this, you have to set all countries, except the ones of the players you want to kill. For example, to kill only italian players:
victimCountriesToAvoidToKillList: ["EN","SV","PL","ES","PT","SI","CZ","DE","RO","LT","EL","NO","EG","RU","BR","TR","ID","AL","LV","SK","FR","FI","CS","CN","CNT","MS","BG"]
is not present in the list, so only italian players will be attacked.
⚠️ Beware that will be killed players also of other countries not present in lists, that I don't know the country code.
If you want to develop locally the bot, first of all you need to install:
It may be working also with other NodeJs version, but never tested
If you already have a different version of NodeJs installed, you can use nvm for POSIX-compliant shell or nvm-windows for Windows in order to install and manage multiple NodeJs and npm version on the same system.
Then clone the repository and install all the dependencies using the command (from the project root, the folder with pacakge.json
npm install
After the installation of the dependencies, to generate the release.js
file that is needed to run the bot in the browser, use the following command:
npm run build
and a dist
folder will be created with file release.js
How do I know if my account is under "bot investigation" by The Crims crew?
Open the Developer tools of the browser by pressing F12 in Windows, GNU Linux (I haven't MacOS but the shortuct should be Option + ⌘ + J or search on Google)
Do a single robbery manually and you should see new entries appear in the table:
Click on "rob"
If you are NOT under bot investigation by The Crims crew, you see something similar to this:
If you are under bot investigation by The Crims crew, you see something similar to this:
When The Crims crew start for "bot investigation" in my account?
- Honestly, I don't know exactly. I suppose when competing for a top (both top respect and top kills) the admins start to investigate.