a framework to simplify generation of asciinema-based demos
Our team had some tribal knowledge around the use of asciinema and asciicast2gif to generate demo clips used to supplement repository README.md.
This represents an effort to commoditize that pipeline to make it easier to use/share.
asciicast2gif was retired and replaced with agg, which seems to be generally available and installable without much in the way of dependencies.
- asciinema is locally installed or otherwise can be invoked using the
command and standard option passing (note that running this as a container has implications on what commands can be executed, for e.g. starting kind clusters). - agg is locally installed or otherwise can be invoked using the
command and standard option passing
The functional entrypoint is generate-gif.sh. This script takes two (mandatory) positional parameters corresponding to the input script name and the output GIF filename.
Any input script can either function as a standlone script to be executed & captured, or can leverage a common library of convenience routines in demo-functions.sh. To use the library routines, the input script should source the demo-functions.sh file.
- identifies its home path and sources the function library it knows resides in the directory above it
- performs some global actions to pre-configure the execution environment
- executes a user-defined
function which exercises the library'stypeline
function to type (and optionally execute) the specified command
#!/usr/bin/env bash
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
. ../$SCRIPTPATH/demo-functions.sh
sed -i -e 's/^generatemajorchannels: .$/generatemajorchannels: true/' $INFILE
sed -i -e 's/^generateminorchannels: .$/generateminorchannels: false/' $INFILE
function run() {
# pretty-print the input schema
typeline -x "# <--> Pretty-print the input schema "
typeline "yq $INFILE"
typeline "clear"
typeline -x "# <--> Generate the rendered FBC with auto-generated channels"
typeline "./bin/opm alpha render-veneer semver $INFILE -o yaml"
#typeline './bin/opm alpha render-veneer semver' $INFILE '-o yaml | yq "select(.schema == \"olm.channel\")"'
sleep 5
typeline "clear"
typeline -x "# <--> Generate the mermaid graph data for auto-generated channels"
typeline "./bin/opm alpha render-veneer semver $INFILE -o mermaid"
sleep 10
typeline -x "# <--> Done!"
execution of this script via a local git clone of this project might look like:
% ~/devel/asciidemo-tools/generate-gif.sh ~/devel/asciidemo-tools/example/demo-script-major.sh ~/devel/asciidemo-tools/major-test.gif
(NB: the example script in this case has some dependencies on the path to the opm
binary, so has to be invoked from the where that path exists -- in this case, a clone of operator-registry)