To use the code you can download using the following command:
giit clone
To run our code you need python > 3.x and the following packages:
- Optparse
- Colorama
- VMD-python last version
- Glob
- Json
conda create -n femwgen python=3 -y
conda activate femwgen
#! To get help running
python --help
#! For get usage example running
python --usage
#! it can print following
Common usage NAMD only:
python --psff=sistema.psf --pdbf=sistema.pdb --bin=2 --lresn="POPC POPG" --pref="resname TRP and name CH2"
--lref="resname POPC POPG and name P" --lrst="serial 38224 40079 39148 39811 20055 14892 19787 18877"
--namd="$HOME/Documents/packages/NAMD_2.14_MacOSX-x86_64-multicore/namd2" --nproc=2 --cfw=-38 --seltxt="protein" --nw=60
Common usage NAMD w/ CHARMM++:
python --psff=sistema.psf --pdbf=sistema.pdb --bin=2 --lresn="POPC POPG" --pref="resname TRP and name CH2"
--lref="resname POPC POPG and name P" --lrst="serial 38224 40079 39148 39811 20055 14892 19787 18877"
--namd="$HOME/Documents/packages/NAMD_2.14_MacOSX-x86_64-multicore/namd2" --nproc=2 --charm="$HOME/Documents/packages/charmrun/charmrun" --cfw=-38 --seltxt="protein" --nw=60
Restart usage:
python --restart="True" --chkpoint=FEMWgen.chkpoint --jsonfile=FEMWgen.json --cfw=-38 --seltxt="protein"
#! import module
import FEMWgenLIB
#! Setting parameters
mkw = FEMWgenLIB.MakeWindows(psff="sistema.psf", pdbf="sistema.pdb", Bin=2, lresn="POPC POPG", refprot="resname TRP and name CH2",
refmemb="resname POPC POPG and name P", rstmemb="serial 38224 40079 39148 39811 20055 14892 19787 18877",
namdPATH="$HOME/Documents/packages/NAMD_2.14_MacOSX-x86_64-multicore/namd2", nproc=2)
#! Write parameters as Json file, necesary to restart computation
FEMWgenLIB.IO.writrJsonParms(ofile="FEMWgen.json", dic=mkw.__dict__)
#! Running computation
mkw.iterateWindows(cfw=-38, seltxt="protein", N=20)
#! If your computation stop for any reason continue with restart mehtod.
restart = FEMWgenLIB.RestartWindows()
#! Use checkpoint to restrart from last step
windowsOK = restart.get_NotiterateWindows("FEMWgen.chkpoint")
#! Running restart
restart.restart(windowsOK, cfw=-38, seltxt="protein", jsonfile="FEMWgen.json")
#! Use it into tkcosnsole into vmd or with tcl script of vmd with graphics off
source FEMWgen_v1.0b.tcl
package require FEWgen
#! For get help. It have all methods as python version except for restart function
FEWgen -h
#! Return
#! FEMWgen v1.0b : A Computational Tool to Generate Multiple Windows for Free-energy Calculations. #!
#! [INFO ] usage: source FEMWgen.tcl. #!
#! [INFO ] usage: FEMWgen -psf<PSF> -pdb<PDB> -n<N> -coj<CPJ> -bin<BIN> -lresn<LRESN>... #!
#! [INFO ] @uthors : Suman de Araujo A., Fernando Zonnetti and Ropón-Palacios G. #!
#! [INFO ] contact to: <[email protected]>. #!
-psf<PSF> File containing topology. Default 'sistema.psf'.
-pdb<PDB> File containing coordinates. Default 'sistema.pdb'.
-n<N>. Number of windows. Default 60.
-cpj<CPJ> Center of first windows. Default -38.
-bin<BIN> Spacing for each windows. Default 2.
-lresn<LRESN> Resname lipid component into membrane. Default 'POPC POPG'.
-pref<PREF> Reference atoms from protein. Default 'resname TRP and name CH2'.
-lref<LREF> Reference atoms from lipids. Default 'resname POPC POPG and name P'.
-lrst<LRST> Serial key of atoms to restraint during equilibration. Default 'serial 38224 40079 39148 39811 20055 14892 19787 18877'.
-charm++<CHARM++> Boolean option to use o not charmrun mode with running NAMD. Default 'false'.
-nprocs<nprocs> Number of CPUs that will be use into energy minimization. Default 2.
-h Print it message.
A configs file and sample coordinates and topology could be found in the FEWgen1.0_PythonModule/configs folder.
The code was written by : Alexandre Suman de Araujo, Luiz Fernando Zonetti and Ropón-Palacios G.
Main developer: Ropón-Palacios G. [email protected]
If you want to get a theoretical framework of this code please check out our kddk article. If you use our code please cite it.