Before upgrading to Drupal 9 you should
git checkout feature/media-transition
and upgrade media stuff.
docker-compose up --detach
composer install
vendor/bin/drush cache:rebuild
vendor/bin/drush updatedb --yes
vendor/bin/drush config:export --yes
docker-compose exec phpfpm composer install
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush cache:rebuild
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush updatedb --yes
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush config:export --yes
docker-compose exec phpfpm composer require drupal/profile_switcher
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush pm:enable profile_switcher
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush switch:profile minimal
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush pm:uninstall profile_switcher
git checkout .
Site for
- Requires:
Setup Docker environment (Optional):
itkdev-docker-compose up -d
Get php packages
itkdev-docker-compose composer install
Setup local site configuration:
cp web/sites/default/_docker.settings.local.php web/sites/default/docker.settings.local.php
itkdev-docker-compose sync
Use composer commands to add/remove/update contrib modules/profiles/themes.
Follows d8 example structure
- Uses the recommended drupal structure for composer projects
- See for further information.
- Config sync folder located in root folder.
Contrib modules added and managed by composer and not included in the github repo.
Custom modules manually maintained and added to github.
ITKore profile is used as a base profile and contains a list of custom modules described within the install profile.
The profile is detached from github and maintained through composer. Changes to the profile should only happen through a new release of the profile. The profile has it's own release cycle and changelog.
ITKore profile depends on a list of contrib modules added to the grundsalg modules/contrib folder.
Contrib themes are added and managed by composer.
- Adminimal theme used as a base theme (Contrib)
- Grundsalg used as the main theme. (Custom)
- Itkore theme - Unused (Contrib)
- Provides angular library and adds the angular modules used across the site.
- Initiates the grundsalg angular app used across the site.
- Provides connection to the fagsystem database.
- Provides the client used to talk to the fagsystem API.
- Provides example data json file which can be enabled/disabled from a provided config page.
- Requires a link to the remote database (For further information see module readme file).
- Provides config page for changing frontpage
- Hooks into itkore_admin module (From itkore profile) to add a frontpage config tab on site settings page
- Provides plots to subdivision content type
- Uses angular grundsalg app to fetch plots
- Provides a breadcrumb builder depending on field_parent node reference field.
- Populates field_parent on node save based on the supplied city info and type. (e.g Villa, Malling)
- A "Catch all" kind of module to perform simple stuff that doesn't want a seperate module.
- Used for new update hooks when adding new modules to the project.
- Provides a comprehensive modification of the node type forms.
- Expands on the itkore_footer module. (Adds a new field for contact information)
- Angular app for turning images provided on content into slideshow.
- Angular app for providing tabs on area and subdivision content types.
- Provides controllers for streetview and video display.
- Provides paths for each tab.