Root based analysis framework for analyzing 2S module data collected during beam test. All the source code is in src directory. The main piece of code is BTAnalyzer.h and It reads relevant branches from the dqm input trees and does some basic plots. The is the program which drives this code. is the python interface to the BTAnalyzer code.
originally cloned from here :
cd TestBeamAnalysis
At this point a bin directory will be created with the executable and the libraries.
./bin/baseline.exe <inputfileName> <#of modules to be read from the tree> <outputfileName>
python <inputfileName> <#of modules to be read from the tree>
For this case, the output file name will be inputFilename_histos.root.
Please try to produce the output histo files with the names inputFilename_histos.root so that multi run harvesting of plots is easier.
compiler : gcc4.9 or higher.
ROOT: 6.16 or higher.