Gamemode for RageMp
Prerequisites: MySQL, NodeJS > 8.0.0, Intermediate JS Knowledge
- install all needed packages by running
- "compile" clientside code using
watchify client/development/index.js -o client/index.js
- edit app.js to fit your environment (line 15,16 and 38,39)
- run app.js
node app.js
- run your server
Project was put on hold due to time issues.
Most of the Work was strongly influenced by the small community that gathered around the project, therefor special thanks to everyone who was involved, without their inspiration and ideas i would have made some things far worse.
please take into consideration that all of these are work in progress, meaning they are not finished.
- Appearance Saving/Managing (/server/models/appearance.js)
- Player Model (/server/models/player.js)
- Storage System (/server/models/storage.js)
- Vehicle System (/server/models/vehicles.js)
- Grid Inventory (/client/development/inventory.js)
- Speedometer (/client/development/vehicles.js)
If you feel like contribution to this project feel free to send requests. all constributors will be credited.
Please visit License for more information.
If you feel like contacting me for whatever reason
- Thanks to RageMPDev for his Attachment System
- Thanks to rootcause for his Scaleform Messages Script
- Thanks to micaww for Rage-RPC