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Quick Start

The following documentation assumes completion of the installation instructions in the primary README.

As background context, consider the systems model as a chemical compound. Then the pattern subgraph represents a molecular structure, an identifiable and repeated collection of, model elements, atoms and bonds. When repeated and combined with other patterns, the subgraphs bond to create complex and diverse systems. Model elements such as blocks, connectors, and ports act as the atoms forming each molecule, with UML roles serving as the bonds between the atoms. Thus, building model-compounds requires identifying the desired, molecules, patterns and providing the, atoms, model data. Using the pattern subgraph as the recipe, RMT ingests the Excel data, creating an instance of the specified pattern for each row in the Excel file; creating nodes and edges omitted by the user but required by the pattern (see PATTERNS for a detailed discussion on the methods RMT uses to create "derived" nodes). RMT creates a set of instructions translating the model molecules into blocks, connectors and ports within MagicDraw. Chaining patterns creates new model elements and bonds between subgraphs, allowing users to create complex models, compounds.

The Example Model

Ingrid serves as a productivity tool allowing Model Based Systems Engineers to canvas data from stakeholders and incorporate that data into their Cameo Systems Model. Ingrid fulfills these duties by analyzing an Excel file according to specified modeling patterns to create a JSON representation of the model. Next, the Player Piano interprets the JSON created by Ingrid through a series of API calls to MagicDraw actualizing the completed MBSE artifact.

For Ingrid, a modeling pattern refers to a JSON file located in the patterns directory that describes a particular UML Metamodel. At this moment, Ingrid has defined patterns for Composition, System Parts, Function Elaboration, Interface Data Flow, and others found HERE. As mentioned, Ingrid uses these UML metamodel JSON files to transform the data from the human readable Excel file into a meaningful model representation. When creating an Excel file, it is imperative to know which UML metamodel the data adheres to and to name the columns of the data according to the keys in the Columns to Navigation Map variable of each pattern JSON. Ingrid looks for those column names, which serve as a human readable translation of the UML metamodel meaning, and maps the UML metamodel interpretation onto those headers to understand the data present in the Excel file and the remaining columns it must create to fill out the subgraph. A subgraph provides the minimal representation required to model a feature in the model that corresponds to a row in the Excel file.

The Player Piano uses the UML metadata for each model element to call MagicDraw's API translating the graph representation of the model created by Ingrid into a fully functional Cameo model.

The Quick Start covers the create and compare commands available and the common ways System Engineers use them to develop complex models in practice.

Create the Model

Ingrid's create command ingests an Excel file(s) and generates a JSON file(s) with instructions for MagicDraw's API to create the diagram(s) specified by the Excel, adhering to the specified modeling pattern. This example chooses to use the Composition modeling pattern to create a composition example model.

  1. Open an Excel file and for the purposes of this example, save the file as Composition Example Baseline.xlsx into this quickstart directory, the same location as this The Composition pattern defines 3 columns within Columns to Navigation Map; these columns must exist in the Excel worksheet. These columns are "Component", "Part", and "Position".

You must name this sheet with the PATTERN you intend to use!

  1. Populate the rows of the Composition sheet in the excel file with the following data and save the file:
Component Position Part
Spacecraft Pyramid Slot B IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
Spacecraft PIA Propellant Isolation Assembly
Spacecraft PCA Pressurant Control Assembly
Spacecraft TCA Thruster Cluster Assembly
Spacecraft ME Main Engine
Propellant Isolation Assembly LV-1 Latch Valve
Propellant Isolation Assembly LV-2 Latch Valve
Propellant Isolation Assembly SV-3 Solenoid Valve
Propellant Isolation Assembly SV-4 Solenoid Valve
Pressurant Control Assembly LV-5 Latch Valve
Thruster Cluster Assembly Thruster-1 Small Thruster
Thruster Cluster Assembly Thruster-2 Small Thruster
Spacecraft ST-1 Star Tracker

Ingrid uses the data entered, the sheet named after the desired pattern ("Composition") and the columns names based on desired pattern ("Component", "Position", and "Part") to process the create request and generate the create model JSON.

    • Open the Rapid Modeling Tools application and browse for the Excel file.
      • Note: Users may upload a custom pattern and an output directory by browsing for them under the Optional Arguments section.

    • Click Start to begin modeling the model and produce the model JSON

    Alternatively using terminal/command prompt:

    cd ../ingrid-quick-start
    model-processing --create --input "Composition Example Baseline.xlsx"

    ../ingrid/ contains a detailed explanation of the commands given above, what the flags means and more.

    • Note: users may specify --pattern as an addtional command line argument during both create and compare to provide Ingrid with access to user-defined pattern files.
      • The link above elaborates on this flag.

The create command invoked above creates a JSON file named "Composition Example Baseline.json" in either the specified output directory (as given here) or the same directory location as the input file when not provided an output directory. This JSON file contains the instructions required by the Player Piano to build the Cameo model expressed by the Excel data.

  1. Load the model into Cameo, open up Cameo Systems Modeler. Before employing Piano Player, you will need to load the example model into Cameo. In Cameo, select File > Open Project... and select Import Example Base.mdzip file. Then use the Tools > Macros > Player Piano menu item to launch the player piano script. Select 00 Core Model and press Ok. This sets the Core Model as the default landing package.

  1. Select the Composition Example Baseline.json file to be the source of update instructions. Without a specified output directory, ingrid places the output JSON in the same directory as the input file.

After the script runs, new modeling elements populate the Package:

There will be a new Composition Example Baseline.csv file with the same name as your Composition Example Baseline.json file. The Player Piano generates the Composition Example Baseline.csv file to provide access to the MagicDraw IDs of the newly created model elements. Ingrid expects the MagicDraw ID for any existing model element referenced in Excel files. Moreover, IDs enhance Ingrid's ability to detect changes while reducing duplicate elements.

  1. To complete the baseline Excel file, navigate to the directory containing the Composition Example Baseline.json and locate the Composition Example Baseline.csv. Open Composition Example Baseline.csv with Excel. This file contains two columns "Element Name" and "ID". Also open the Composition Example Baseline.xlsx Excel file. Copy the contents of the Composition Example Baseline.csv to a new tab in the Composition Example Baseline.xlsx file. Rename this tab to "Composition IDs" (in general name the IDs sheet "pattern name IDs") and save the file.

Update the Model with Compare

The need to rapidly create and maintain models through a deluge of relevant model data prompted the development of RMT. The first part of this quickstart demonstrated how to create a model with data canvassed from Subject Matter Experts, SMEs. The next sections demonstrates model maintenance and pattern layering. Ingrid accomplishes these tasks with the --compare command. The --compare flag creates a set of JSON instructions to update the model represented by the original Excel file to agree with the model described by the changed file. Ingrid prints unambiguous changes to JSON. Ingrid prints all detected differences to an Excel file. The Excel file enumerates the complete list of changes Ingrid will make with the JSON and any changes that Ingrid was unsure of and hence, left to the user. The two files have the same name and appear in the same output location.

Always include an IDs sheet when working with --compare to ensure optimal change detection.

Compare Changes Between Model Versions

Ingrid understands Cameo models through their Excel representation and the accompanying modeling pattern. Ingrid will detect the differences between the original, termed baseline, and a new file, the update.

  1. Create a duplicate of the Composition Example Original.xlsx and name it Composition Example Updated.xlsx. At this point, the duplicate Excel file represents a file sent to a SME or the customer to canvas new data as the project matures. Open Composition Example Updated.xlsx and create a new tab named Renames.

Suppose the SME interacting with this spreadsheet decided that Spacecraft would be more aptly named Space Ship and SV-0 instead of SV-3.

  1. Switch to the Renames tab and populate the New Names columns with Space Ship and the Old Names column with Spacecraft. Underneath, in the Old Names column put SV-3 and SV-0 in the New Names.
New Names Old Names
Space Ship Spacecraft
SV-0 SV-3

  1. Switch back to the pattern tab, Composition, and change all occurrences of Spacecraft to Space Ship (highlighted in yellow) and create a new instance of the pattern graph with the Escape Pod component (highlighted in blue).
Component Position Part
Space Ship Pyramid Slot B IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
Space Ship PIA Propellant Isolation Assembly
Space Ship PCA Pressurant Control Assembly
Space Ship TCA Thruster Cluster Assembly
Space Ship ME Main Engine
Propellant Isolation Assembly LV-1 Latch Valve
Propellant Isolation Assembly LV-2 Latch Valve
Propellant Isolation Assembly SV-0 Solenoid Valve
Propellant Isolation Assembly SV-4 Solenoid Valve
Pressurant Control Assembly LV-5 Latch Valve
Thruster Cluster Assembly Thruster-1 Small Thruster
Thruster Cluster Assembly Thruster-2 Small Thruster
Space Ship ST-1 Star Tracker
Escape Pod EP Emergency Protocol
Escape Pod BT-1 Backup Thruster 1
Escape Pod RH Rear Hull
Escape Pod Activation Main Engine

Having created the two data files, Ingrid's --compare command computes the differences and provides a JSON file for the Player Piano to update the model. To perform the comparison, run the following command.

    • Open the Rapid Modeling Tools application, switch to the compare action, and browse for the original excel file and the changed excel file.
      • Note: Users may upload a custom pattern and an output directory by browsing for them under the Optional Arguments section.

    • Click Start to begin the model comparison and produce the change JSON

    Alternatively using terminal/command prompt:

    • Run the command:
    model-processing --compare --original "Composition Example Baseline.xlsx" --update "Composition Example Updated.xlsx"

    ../ingrid/ contains a detailed explanation of the commands given above, what the flags means and more. - Note: users may specify --pattern as an addtional command line argument during both create and compare to provide Ingrid with access to user-defined pattern files. - The link above elaborates on this flag.

Successful execution will create two files, one titled "graph_diff_changes_date-time.JSON" and an Excel file named "Model Diffs date time.xlsx"

Inspecting the Model Diffs Excel file shows the results of the change detection. The file contains four columns: Edit 1, Edit 2, Unstable Matches Original, and Unstable Matches Change, with columns for Added and Deleted edges included when detected. Edit 1 and Edit 2 contain confidently identified edge changes with Edit 1 containing edges from document passed as the "original" and Edit 2 displays edges from the "update" file. Unstable Matches Original and Change show changes that Ingrid could not determine, with edges from each file in their respective column. Ingrid included all the changes from Edit 1 to Edit 2 in the "graph_diff_changes" JSON but excluded any Unstable Changes. Ingrid assumes the user will resolve the ambiguous changes or provide additional context to the --update file (typically including renames) and reprocessing.

The "graph_diff_changes_ date-time.JSON" updates the model to reflect the renames and element additions.

  1. Open the associated Cameo model and click on the Tools tab. Choose Macros > Player Piano and select the package to update, it will be the same as the model created at the beginning, navigate to the "graph_diff_changes_ date-time.JSON" select and execute the macro. Successful execution of the macro changes element names and adds new elements to the containment tree.

Pattern Layering

Complex models in MBSE rely on multiple SysML metamodels and patterns; pattern layering with RMT allows modelers to automatically build complex models through a series of --compare calls. As an example, the quick start will now layer a SystemParts pattern onto the model developed in the previous sections.

  1. Create a new Excel file, saving it to the same directory as the others, and name it SystemParts Example Baseline.xlsx. Create a sheet named SystemParts and create columns titled Component, Part, Context, Role, and Assoc. Create a sheet named SystemParts IDs populated with IDs from the baseline import and the IDs produced by the --compare command.

Create a tab titled SystemParts IDs and populate with the IDs from the baseline import (located in the Composition Example Baseline.csv file produced by Cameo during the initial import) and the IDs produced by the --compare command (located in the "graph_diff_changes_0-1 date-time.csv" file produced by Cameo during the model update).

  1. Duplicate and rename SystemParts Example Baseline.xlsx to SystemParts Example Update.xlsx. Open SystemParts Example Update.xlsx, switch to the sheet labeled SysetmParts and paste the data shown in the table here.
Component Part Context Role Assoc
new comp new part new context new role new assoc
second comp second part second context second role second assoc

    • Open the Rapid Modeling Tools application, switch to the compare action, and browse for the original excel file and the changed excel file.
      • Note: Users may upload a custom pattern and an output directory by browsing for them under the Optional Arguments section.

    • Click Start to begin the model comparison and produce the change JSON

    Alternatively using terminal/command prompt:

    • On the command line, execute
    model-processing --compare --original "SystemParts Example Baseline.xlsx" --update "SystemParts Example Updated.xlsx"

    ../ingrid/ contains a detailed explanation of the commands given above, what the flags means and more. - Note: users may specify --pattern as an addtional command line argument during both create and compare to provide Ingrid with access to user-defined pattern files. - The link above elaborates on this flag.

The comparison, between the empty baseline and populated update file, produces add commands for the Player Piano to create new elements to the model adhering to the new pattern.

  1. Import the changes to MagicDraw using the Player Piano macro to realize the model updates.