Concurrent Misclassification and Out-of-Distribution Detection for Semantic Segmentation via Energy-Based Normalizing Flow
UAI 2023 preprint:
Recent semantic segmentation models accurately classify test-time examples that are similar to a training dataset distribution. However, their discriminative closed-set approach is not robust in practical data setups with distributional shifts and out-of-distribution (OOD) classes. As a result, the predicted probabilities can be very imprecise when used as confidence scores at test time. To address this, we propose a generative model for concurrent in-distribution misclassification (IDM) and OOD detection that relies on a normalizing flow framework. The proposed flow-based detector with an energy-based inputs (FlowEneDet) can extend previously deployed segmentation models without their time-consuming retraining. Our FlowEneDet results in a low-complexity architecture with marginal increase in the memory footprint. FlowEneDet achieves promising results on Cityscapes, Cityscapes-C, FishyScapes and SegmentMeIfYouCan benchmarks in IDM/OOD detection when applied to pretrained DeepLabV3+ and SegFormer semantic segmentation models.
If you like our paper or code, please cite it using the following BibTex:
title = {Concurrent Misclassification and Out-of-Distribution Detection for Semantic Segmentation via Energy-Based Normalizing Flow},
author = {Gudovskiy, Denis and Okuno, Tomoyuki and Nakata, Yohei},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2023},
url = {},
- Clone this repository: tested on Python 3.8
- Install PyTorch: tested on v1.11
- This is a fork of MMSegmentation v0.28.0
- Download Cityscapes dataset to your data folder and make a symbolic link to it
- Download Fishyscapes dataset to your data folder and make a symbolic link to it
- Download pretrained DeepLabV3+ ResNet-101 segmentation model from MMSegmentation and copy it to checkpoints folder
- Download pretrained SegFormer-B2 segmentation model from MMSegmentation and copy it to checkpoints folder
- Other dependencies in requirements.txt
- The following commands reproduce our installation steps:
conda create -n flowenedet python=3.8 -y
conda activate flowenedet
cd flowenedet
ln -s ~/PATHTO/data data
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install mmcv-full==1.6.1 -f
python tools/convert_datasets/ data/cityscapes --nproc 8
curl -o checkpoints/dlv3plus_r101_BASE.pth
curl -o checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth
- Folder ./local_configs contains all configuration files for task models used in our experiments: DeepLabV3+ with ResNet-101 backbone and SegFormer-B2. Any other model can be extended in a similar way.
- Files ./mmseg/models ./decode_heads/ and ./losses/ implement out model.
- Cityscapes-C is implemented using the imagecorruptions library functions: we add dict(type='Corruptions', mode='test') line to a test_pipeline in each configuration file, except for the original BASE models. The folder ./mmseg/datasets/pipelines/ contains the actual implementation.
- Any FED detector can be trained using a checkpoint of the pretrained BASE model
- For convenience, we hard-coded SML's statistics in mmseg/models/decode_heads/ However, its train-time statistics can be generated using the estimation script with EST postfix.
- The commands below should reproduce the above steps for SegFormer-B2 model
- We provide FED-U and FDM-C checkpoints that have been used for Fishyscapes and SMIYC (FED-C) leaderboard submissions in ./checkpoints folder
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ --work-dir checkpoints/segformer_b2_EST --load-from checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --gpus=1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ --work-dir checkpoints/segformer_b2_FEDU --load-from checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --gpus=1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ --work-dir checkpoints/segformer_b2_FEDC --load-from checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --gpus=1
- Download our pretrained weights from Google Drive
- Fishyscapes contains two validation dataset: Lost&Found (FSLF) and Static (FSST)
- Folder local_configs/base/datasets contains data configuration files with a field called test_dataset, which by default is set for FSLF
- To select Fishyscapes, assign test_dataset to either 'FSLF' or 'FSST' and run scripts below
- Evaluation metrics for Fishyscapes are different than for Cityscapes, hence --eval mFishy argument should be used
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --eval mFishy
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_FEDU.pth --eval mFishy
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_FEDC.pth --eval mFishy
- Cityscapes and Cityscapes-C results can be reproduced by selecting a configuration file (MSP, MLG, ENE, MCD, FEDU, FEDC postfix) and a corresponding checkpoint file
- Test dataset should be set to test_dataset = 'CS' in the corresponding local_configs/base/datasets data configuration file
- Cityscapes-C image corruptions are set by a corruption severity level (1-4) and a corruption type (brightness, motion_blur, snow or others from, otherwise the original Cityscapes validation dataset is used
- The examples below should reproduce our reference quantitative results (corrupted results should be averaged accoding to our evaluation protocol, which is implemented in script)
- Evaluation metrics for Cityscapes and Cityscapes-C can be selected by appending either closed-set --eval mIoU or open-set --eval oIoU argument
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --eval oIoU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --eval oIoU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --eval oIoU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_BASE.pth --eval oIoU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_FEDU.pth --eval oIoU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_FEDC.pth --eval oIoU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python tools/ local_configs/segformer/ checkpoints/segformer_b2_FEDC.pth --eval oIoU --corrupt-sev 1 --corrupt-typ snow