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Releases: gudqs7-idea-plugins/api-savior

Release v2.6.0

16 Oct 13:27
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1.feat: 批量导出时, 新增带全部数据的单独 markdown 文件; #88
2.fix: 修复随机字符串使用了中文生僻字过多像乱码一样的问题: 不生成中文, 生成字母; #89

1.feat: When batch exporting, add a separate markdown file with all data;
2.fix: fix the problem that the random string uses too many uncommon Chinese characters like garbled characters: not generate Chinese, generate letters;

Release v2.5.7

26 Sep 03:34
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1: fix: 修复 RPC 文档 markdown 格式预发兼容问题(即表格末尾添加换行); close #85

1: fix: fix the pre-release compatibility issue of RPC document markdown format (that is, add a newline at the end of the table);

Release v2.5.6

22 Sep 08:41
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1: fix: 修复 RPC 文档去重逻辑导致部分字段文档整体消失问题; close #81

1: fix: fix the problem that some field documents disappear as a whole due to the deduplication logic of RPC documents

Release v2.5.5

16 Sep 02:17
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1: fix: 修复从 IntentionAction 生成 getter/setter 时第一行代码缺少换行问题

1: fix: fix the issue of missing line breaks in the first line of code when generating gettersetter from IntentionAction

Release v2.5.4

17 Aug 03:58
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1: fix: 修复 allget / allset 多出换行问题

1: fix: fix the problem of extra line breaks in allget / allset

Release v2.5.3

17 Aug 03:59
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1:feat: 新增导出成PDF格式.

1:feat: Added export to PDF format.

(仅此版本支持导出PDF, 后续版本不再支持, 原因是打包后 zip 太大了)

Release v2.5.2

08 Aug 06:18
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1.fix: 修复 SearchEverywhere 的 ApiNavigationItem toString 方法未在 readAction 内读取了 Psi 树导致的报错

1.fix: Fix the error that SearchEverywhere's ApiNavigationItem toString method does not read the Psi tree in readAction

Release v2.5.1

04 Aug 08:21
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1:perf: Generate Convert 支持嵌套, 即两个Pojo中包含相同字段但类型不同的Pojo, convert 时, 直接 set 会报错类型不符, 因此加入嵌套生成.
2:perf: 完善了之前的结构解析器, 优化其中的递归终止条件, 以达到最终输出文档效果更好(字段展示更全, 但不会无限展示).

1:perf: Generate Convert supports nesting, that is, two Pojos contain the same fields but different types. When converting, directly set will report an error of type mismatch, so add nested generation.
2:perf: The previous structure parser has been improved, and the recursive termination condition has been optimized to achieve a better final output document (field display is more complete, but not infinite).

Release v2.5.0

03 Aug 03:36
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1.feat: Generate Convert 添加仅通过目标对象生成完整语句, 生成后, 源对象由用户手动输入(仅需输入一次即替换全部语句).
2.feat: getter/setter 生成添加不含父类的模式, 使用 allsetp / allgetp 来触发; 仅支持 postfix completion.

1.feat: Generate Convert adds a complete statement generated only through the target object, after generation, the source object is manually input by the user (only need to input once to replace all statements).
2.feat: gettersetter generates a mode without parent class, use allsetp allgetp to trigger; only supports postfix completion.

Release v2.3.6

03 Aug 01:31
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1.fix: 修复 SearchEverywhere Api 初始化时空指针问题
2.feat: Generate Convert 添加判空

1.fix: Fix SearchEverywhere Api initialization space pointer problem
2.feat: Generate Convert add empty judgment