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"Vergleich": Diff and Merge Plugin for Sublime Text

"Sublime Vergleich" is a free but powerful Diff and Merge tool for the text editor Sublime Text.

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Sublime Vergleich offers following features:

Resources: You can diff various different ressources such as open files, files in project folders, contents of the clipboard, selections in open files or even multiple selections.

Side by Side diffing with synchroneous scrolling: You can easily see the compared files side by side with aligned rows. The scrolling is synchroneous (vertical and horizontal) which also helps while comparing files

Highlighting: Differing rows and blocks are highlighted and also displayed in the mini map.

Multiple diff sessions at a time: You can do many different comparisions at a time.

Navigation: Go from one difference to another without having to search by yourself. This can be done by a key shortcut, the menu or the command palette.

Key Shortcuts

CTRL + . to go to next difference
CTRL + , to to previous difference
CTRL + SHIFT + . to merge current difference from left to right
CTRL + SHIFT + , to merge current difference from right to left


A diff and merge plugin for sublime text






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