No license. Do anything you want with this, or not. It is my fiddling. No functionality is guaranteed.
The purpose of this project is to provide a simple, stupid, trivial to use performance timing library for quickly characterizing code performance using a timer mark system utilizing the System.nanoTime().
Primary Files:
PerformanceTimer - The actual timer object that will track times between specific marker flags.
PerformanceTimerFactory - Spits out new PerformanceTimers.
PerformanceTimer pft = new PerformanceTimerFactory().createPfTimer().set()...
Use: pft.mark() for a straight linear timer in a synchronized code.
Use: pft.fork(0).mark() for multithreaded processes or specific logic forks.
You can fork in two dimensions, down and across up to Integer.MAX_VALUE. Use with caution when forking down. pft.fork(0).fork(1).fork(20).fork(5).fork(8).mark(); may have adverse memory usage.
Use: to get a JSON formatted string of the data collected.
Uses Gson. It is included.