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GUNDAM v1.8.7 Patch Release

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@nadrino nadrino released this 11 Dec 19:37
· 2 commits to LTS/1.8.x since this release

This patch release adds output message fixes, more testing, function input value checks, and build system improvements.

Fixes relative to 1.8.6

Propagation: Make sure that the event breakdown output includes the effect of masking.

JointProbabilty: Add more informative messages for both infinite and negative chi-squared values. These are informational since both infinite values and negative values can occur for a correct likelihood, but the user should verify that the results are correct. An infinite value will most likely happen for non-physical input parameters (often seen when using MCMC). Negative chi-squared values are not uncommon during an "Asimov" fit as it approaches the minimum since the chi-squared will be calculated as the difference of two moderately sized numbers (so the round-off can be slightly negative).

CalculateGraph: On the CPU only, add careful checks of the CalculateGraph inputs and stop if there are invalid inputs are found. If bad inputs are found, it indicates a problem with how CalculateGraph is used, so a lot of diagnostics are printed and then GUNDAM exits.

Extended Tests: Add more detailed tests for the interpolation/extrapolation code.

Build Fixes: Don't require ROOT to declare MINUIT2 which is now the default minimizer for modern ROOT, and may not be flagged as a compilation option. Always enable the regression tests, but disable developer unit tests by default. Use CMAKE_DL_LIBS so that dlopen gets included in a machine/system independent way.

Full Changelog: 1.8.6...1.8.7