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FastAPI Web Scraper

This project is a web scraper built using FastAPI that scrapes product information (title, price, and image) from a target e-commerce website. It provides configurable settings, supports in-memory caching with Redis, and allows data storage in local JSON files. The project follows a clean architecture pattern and leverages * object-oriented programming (OOP)* principles for easy extensibility and maintainability.

Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure that the following software is installed on your system:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Steps to Run the Docker Image Clone the Repository git clone <repository_url> cd <repository_name>

After cloning Run

docker-compose up -d --build For logs use, docker logs <container_id> to check logs


  • Product Information Scraping: Scrapes product title, price, and image from a target website.
  • Configurable Settings: Easily configurable scraping parameters such as pages_limit, proxy, etc., with defaults and validation.
  • Redis Caching: Uses Redis for in-memory caching to improve scraping performance by avoiding redundant requests.
  • JSON Storage: Stores scraped product data in local JSON files for persistence.
  • Health Check Endpoint: A simple /health endpoint to check the service's status.
  • Authorization: API authentication is supported to ensure secure access to the scraping functionality.
  • Extensible Architecture: Designed using clean architecture principles to support future enhancements and easy integration of new features.
  • Environment Configuration: Settings like API tokens and URLs are externalized in an .env file for easy configuration and security.

Project Structure

  • app/: The main directory containing all application code.
    • api/: Contains the API logic for routing and dependencies.
      • Initializes the api module.
      • Defines dependencies for FastAPI endpoints (e.g., scraper dependency).
      • Contains API route definitions and logic for scraping products.
    • core/: Contains the core functionality of the application.
      • Initializes the core module.
      • Handles authentication and token validation logic.
      • Manages caching mechanisms (e.g., Redis).
      • Holds configuration settings for the application.
      • Handles database connections and models.
      • Defines interfaces or abstract classes for common services.
      • Contains logic for sending notifications.
    • tests/: Contains test cases for the application.
      • Initializes the tests module.
      • Contains test cases for the scraper logic.
    • Initializes the main application module.
    • Entry point for the FastAPI application, where the app is instantiated.
    • Contains data models used in the application (e.g., product, scraper).
    • Contains the logic for scraping product data from the target website.
    • Contains utility functions for common tasks (e.g., parsing, data handling). .gitignore: Specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git.
      • Documentation for testing the application.


Environment Variables

This project requires some environment variables for configuration. Create a .env file in the root of the project with the following variables:

  • AUTH_TOKEN: A secret token used for API authentication.
  • BASE_URL: The base URL for the website you want to scrape.

Example .env file:


Redis Caching and API Endpoints

To improve performance, the project uses Redis for in-memory caching. You will need to have a Redis server running locally or use a cloud Redis service. If you're running Redis locally, make sure the default port 6379 is accessible.

API Endpoints

Health Check

  • Endpoint: GET /health
  • Description: This endpoint returns a simple health status of the service.

Scrape Products API

This API endpoint initiates the scraping process and returns the scraped product data.


  • Method: POST
  • URL: /scrape/

Query Parameters

  • pages_limit: The number of pages to scrape (default: 5, range: 1–100).
  • proxy: (Optional) The proxy string to use for requests.


All scraping routes require authentication. Include a Bearer token in the Authorization header for secure access:

Example Request

To initiate the scraping process, you can use the following example request:

POST /scrape/?pages_limit=10&proxy= Authorization: Bearer your-secret-token

Example Response

A successful response will look like this:

{ "status": "success", "message": "50 products scraped and saved successfully." }

Testing the API

You can test the API using tools like Postman or curl. Below is an example of how to test the scrape endpoint using curl:

curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer your-secret-token"


A simple webscraper made with Python and FastAPI






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