eco_apps_support contains a set of utils/extensions/helpers/ based on rails3, making rails development easier and life happier. eco_apps_support is independent on other eco_apps gems and js related helpers are built on jquery.
RDoc: RDoc
dom_id(prefix = “”)
article = Article.find(1) article.dom_id # => "article_1" article.dom_id("list") # => "list_article_1"
day_condition_for(day, column = “created_at”) Construct sql for day conditions.
Article.day_condition_for("2010-12-01", "published_at")
days_between(from, to, ignore_weekend = false)
Article.days_between(, + 5.days) # => 5 Article.find(1).days_between("2010-12-01", "2010-12-06", true) # => 3
convert_tz(column_name, format=“%Y-%m-%d”) Format sql date.
Article.all(:conditions => "#{convert_tz(:created_at, "%H")} > 18") # Find records created after 6pm.
Article.find_column_by_name(:created_at).type # => :datetime
to_formatted_time(with_second = true)
30.to_formatted_time # => "0:30" 1000.to_formatted_time # => "16:40" 10000.to_formatted_time # => "2:46:40" 10000.to_formatted_time(false) # => "2:46"
to_time_zone # => "Beijing"
"Hello\nWorld".to_html # => "<p>Hello\n<br />World</p>"
This method can be extended by block or defining subclass of StringFormatter
"Hello\nWorld".to_html{|t| t.gsub(/o/,"i")} # => "<p>Helli\n<br />Wirld</p>" class MyFormatter < StringFormatter def self.format(str) str.gsub(/Hello/,"Hi") end end "Hello\nWorld".to_html # => "<p>Hi\n<br />World</p>"
date_field_tag(name, value =nil, options= {})
date_field_tag :published_at
date_field(object_name, method, options = {})
date_field :article, :published_at form_for @article, :article, articles_path do |f| f.date_field :published_at end
Include jquery js/css files.
jquery_include_tag # include jquery.min.js jquery_include_tag(:ui, :css) # include jquery-ui.min.js and jquery-ui.css
link_to_function :detail, toggle_element("detail")
popup(*args, &block)
popup "new article", new_article_path popup "new article", new_article_path, :width => "80%", :iframe => true
search_form_for(klass, *attrs)
Combo search for a module.
search_form_for(Article, :title, :created_at) search_form_for(Article, [:created_at, {:ampm => true}]) # Limit records by am or pm search_form_for(Article, [:published_at, {:null_check => true}]) # Select if published_at is null search_form_for(Article, [:score, {:collection => [1,2,3]}]) search_form_for(Article, [:score, {:range => true}]) search_form_for(Article, "comments.title")
search_tag(url, search_tip = “”, options = {})
Simple search form.
search_tag("/articles", "Title or description") search_tag("/articles", "Title or description", :remote => true, :size => 50)
list_table_for(collection = [], options = {}, &block)
List records in table.
list_table_for @articles do |item, col| col.tr_color = "red" if item.published_at.blank? # Change background color of tr col.add :id col.add :title, link_to(item.title, article_path(item)), :width => "60%" col.add :published_at, item.published_at.to_s(:date), :order => "published_at" # Generate a link in head, when click the link ,the records will be sorted by published_at end # options :searchable # Search content in table by js :ignore_header # Ignore table header :ignore_footer # Ignore paginate links :update # When not null, the paginate links will be remote :sortable # sort table columns
calendar_view(options = {}, &block)
Display content in calendar.
calendar_view{|day| day.to_s(:long) } # options :ignore_header # Ignore calendar header
combo_search(conditions, options = {}, &block)
Search an active_record model.
Article.combo_search(:published => true) Article.combo_search(:published => true, :order => "id desc") Article.combo_search({:created_at => {:from => "2010-11-01", :to => "2010-11-02"}}) Article.combo_search({:created_at => {:from => "2010-11-01", :ampm => "am"}}) Article.combo_search({:published_at => {:is_null => false}}, :joins => "comments") # options :order :joins :includes :paginate # default is true, if set to false, the results will not be paginated :default # when set to :none, [] will be returned if conditions are blank. :page # current page for pagination :per_page # number of records in one page, default is 20
This is usually used together with search_form_for.
# in view search_form_for Article, :id, [:created_at, {:ampm => true}], [:published_at, {:null_check => true}] # in controller Article.combo_search(params)
This function can be extended by block or define subclass of EcoAppsSupport::ComboSearch::SqlHash.
For example, we’d like to search records by created hour. Article.combo_search{:created_at => {:after => 13}} will return records that are created after 13:00.
Send block to combo_search.
Article.combo_search{:created_at => {:after => 13}} do |hash| hash.match :after, :datetime do |column, value| "#{Article.convert_tz(column, "%H")} >= #{value}" end end
Define subclass of EcoAppsSupport::ComboSearch::SqlHash
class AfterMatch < EcoAppsSupport::ComboSearch::SqlHash match :after, :datetime do |column, value| "#{ActiveRecord::Base.convert_tz(column, "%H")} >= #{value}" end end