Laravel based CRUD application, used to User Login, Registration, Dashboard and CRUD for Manage Customers. Advanced Bootstrap 4.0 based UI (CodeBase) for Admin Dashboard.
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.
- 1- Admin User Login and go on Top Rated Bootstrap 4.0 based UI Dashboard, User Registration and save in database.
- 2- Adding Customers and modify them and Pagination and CRUD operations for Customers.
- 3- Create, Edit, Delete, Activate/Deactive (CRUD) and manage Customers.
Go to Database and you find.sql file if you don't able to migrate database via seeder.
Login for Admin:
Url- http://localhost:8000/login
User Email- [email protected]
Password- 12345678
Open .env file to configure your database and it's name, host, and password
composer update OR composer install
cp .env.example .env / copy .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan serve
yarn install
in terminal, run npm install gulp -g
in project folder, using terminal run npm install
gulp bower
npm run dev
Please view the wiki for a list of features.
If you come across any issues please report them here .
Lets build it together I will be glad if you consider contribute to the Laravel 6.0 CRUD based Admin Dashboard project! Please feel free to make any pull requests, or e-mail me a feature request you would like to see in the future to, Rajesh Gupta at [email protected]
Please donate for my site hosting and domain expences at Paypal- [email protected]
Thank You.