pg-multitenant is a PostgreSQL extension designed to facilitate multi-tenant database usage through the Shared Database Shared Schema approach. For more in-depth information on the multi-tenancy approach, please refer to the Multi-tenancy article on the Citus Blog Post.
This extension leverages PostgreSQL's row-level security feature to filter data for a specific tenant. It provides a set of functions to manage multi-tenant databases. A foundational understanding of the extension can be found in the following blog post: Multi-tenant Data Isolation with PostgreSQL Row-Level Security.
As of now, the extension is not available in binary format, so you need to build it from source using the following steps:
Install Rust
(curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | bash -s -- -y) && \ echo 'source $HOME/.cargo/env' >> $HOME/.bashrc
Install pgrx extension
cargo install pgrx cargo pgrx init --pg16 download
Clone the repository
Build and run the extension
cargo pgrx run pg16
Install the extension
CREATE EXTENSION pg_multitenant;
The extension provides a set of functions to manage multi-tenant databases. The following are the list of User-Defined Functions (UDFs) available:
mark_tenant_column(schema_name text, table_name text, column_name text): This function marks a column as a tenant column. The tenant column is used to identify the tenant for a given row in a table. The tenant column is used to filter the data for a given tenant.
unmark_tenant_column(schema_name text, table_name text, column_name text): This function unmarks a column as a tenant column. That means the tenant column is no longer used to filter the data for a given tenant.
An example scenario to use the extension exists in the scripts/test.sql