This Repo consists of Machine Learning based projects that are build on opensource frameworks like scikit-learn, keras , tensorflow
Folder from_stratch
consists of ML projects that are build from scratch .
Neural Networks from scratch ,
This project was build with the intent of gaining more insighst about neural networks , Stochastic-gradient-descent , Logistic regresssion
Kmeans ,
Mimicks the scikit-learn's kmeans clustering algorithm from scratch using just numpy.
Implementation of gradient-descent without using any ML frameworks , just using
for computation andmatplotlib
for visualization. -
Implementation of Newtons-method ( Second-order-Optimisation ) from scratch & using
for computation andmatplotlib
for visualization.
Folder supervised
consists of Real-time-applications / Projects based on supervised Learning.
This provides some insights about comparing the classifiers , basic hyperparameters for a particular dataset.
A Realtime twitter-api which fetches tweets based on topic , performs sentiment analysis.
Time-series based problem , build using keras api .
With grouplens dataset , providing collaborative + content based recommendations.
Using tensorflow's convnet to perform deep dream , gradient-descent on images , video (under-development).
Recognising whether the given image is humane or not ,using convnet built on keras.
genetic_programming, (under-developement)
Using genetic programming to find the hyperparameters for a given dataset.
emnist, (under-developement)
Project to recognise handwritten alphanumeric character with dataset using emnist (extention of mnist).
Folder unsupervised
consists of Real-time-usecases / Projects based on unsupervised Learning.
Converting Images of one color system (RGB) to another color system (Grey) using
. -
Finding the dorminant colors present in the picture , frequency of occurance.
wordvec, (under-developement)
A simple service that lets you find related words that is related to "Arts" industry.
Folder datamining
consists of data-mining based projects.
orthonearme, (under-development)
Web-app that lets you find the Ortho specialist near your proximity , based on rating / comments.
Thanks to siraj raval