Gus' Awesome SSG
GAS-SSG is a static site generator that converts .txt or .md files into HTML.
To Contribute:
-Refer to
To Use:
-Run gas.exe with command line options:
-i or --input to specify a file or folder to be converted i.e "gas -i ./folder" OR "gas --input abacus.txt"
-c or --config to set parameters with provided config.json file (input file/folder, output folder, HTML language and stylesheet) i.e "gas -c ssg-config.json"
-h or --help to get info on command line arguments possible i.e "gas -h"
-v or --version to get version information i.e "gas -v"
-Will convert any txt or md files to html or recursively search through folders to find txt/md files to convert to html (Optional feature 1)
-Files will be placed in ./dist/ folder, will overwrite existing ./dist/ folder
-Title will be generated if first line is followed by two blank lines (Optional feature 2)
-If file is markdown file, "# " syntax will turn line into a <h1>