An introduction page carousel animated with pagination
npm install react-native-intro-carousel
yarn add react-native-intro-carousel
import Carousel from "react-native-intro-carousel";
// ...
key: '1',
title: 'Cool package',
description: 'This is a cool package',
backgroundColor: '#e879f2',
image: require('./..'),
titleStyle: {
color: 'white',
descriptionStyle: {
color: 'white',
dotSize: 20,
// useBottomButtons: true,
Default | useBottomButtons |
You can use your own component
key: '1',
title: 'Cool package',
description: 'This is a cool package',
image: require('./..'),
data: {
... // you can add any data here
disabled: true,
renderItem={({ item, index }, goToSlide) => (
<View style={styles.content}>
<View style={styles.buttonsContainer}>
onPress={() => goToSlide(index - 1)}
style={[styles.button, { marginLeft: 10 }]}
onPress={() => goToSlide(index + 1)}
will result in:
You can use your own component
next: {
renderButton: (index, onChangeSlider) => (
<Pressable onPress={() => onChangeSlider(index + 1)}>
<Image source={arrowIcon} />
prev: {
disabled: true,
done: {
renderButton: (index, onChangeSlider) => (
<Pressable onPress={() => {...}}>
<Image source={checkIcon} />
will result in:
you can also use this lib to create cool banners, look the example code here
Name | Type | Default | Description |
data | object | None, required | Array of pages in carousel |
paginationConfig | object | None | Pagination configurations (see table below) |
renderItem | function | None | You can create your own component to be rendered on the page |
onPressSkip | function | None | Called when user press 'skip' (null = hide skip button) |
onFinish | function | None | Called when user press 'Done' on last slider |
buttonsConfig | object | None | Buttons configuration (see table below) |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
dotSize | number | 15 | Size of pagination dots |
bottomOffset | number | 50 | pagination distance from bottom |
animated | boolean | true | allows disabling dots animation |
disabled | boolean | false | hide the pagination |
dotIncreaseSize | number | 1.4 | size the dot will grow when it is on a page (hint: use 1 if you don't want the dot to grow) |
color | string | #ffffff80 | Default dot color |
activeColor | string | #fff | Active dot color |
dotSpacing | number | 12 | spacing between pagination dots |
activeDotStyle | ViewStyle | None | styles for the dot indicating the current page |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | boolean | false | Hide the buttons |
next | { label?: string; textStyle?: TextStyle; buttonStyle?: ViewStyle; renderButton?: ( currentIndex: number, goToSlide: (index: number) => void ) => JSX.Element; // render your own button } |
None | Next button configurations |
prev | same as the line above | None | Previous button configurations |
skip | same as the line above | None | Skip button configurations |
done | same as the line above | None | Last slide button configurations |
useBottomButtons | boolean | false | Show buttons below pagination |
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