Web todo APP, CRUD, Auth, CI/CD, Tests
Runtime Environment: Node.js
Main Framework: Express.js
Templating Engine: eJS
ORM: Sequelize
Tests: JEST && SuperTest
Database: PostgreSQL
Auth: JWT
CI/CD: Github Actions
Clone the repo and install dependecies
git clone https://github.com/WestMac/ToDoApp.git
npm install
Go to toDoApp -> config -> config.json and provide your database info. For default it is PostgreSQL on port 5432 with username postgres and pass root
On first run you need to create database and then you can run project. It will be hosted on port 3000 by default
cd yourLocation/toDoApp
npx sequelize-cli db:create
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
node server.js
To run tests just type in project directory
npm test