Web application for disc golf competition live scoring. Currently used in Tampere's disc golf club's weekly and PDGA competitions. Includes player import from SFL Kisakone and score export to PDGA.
You must have Haskell, Yesod and MySQL/MariaDB installed.
Instructions for installing Haskell and Yesod are available at http://www.yesodweb.com/page/quickstart
- Clone repo and install packages
git clone https://github.com/haBuu/tuohi.git
cd tuohi
stack build
Set up database. See config/settings.yml for database config.
Edit config/settings.yml as needed
Start application by running
stack exec -- yesod devel
run-devel.sh can be used to run application in ghci. It will watch for modifications and reload the application. It has some issues but works most of the time. You can also just run stack ghci and it will start the app and reload it automatically.