Terraling is a Ruby on Rails web application to let you store and browse your linguistic data and now it has new features like the following:
[Regular Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Regular-search);
[Cross Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Cross-search);
[Compare Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Compare-search);
[Universal Implication Both Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Both-Implication);
[Universal Implication Antecedent Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Antecedent-Implication);
[Universal Implication Consequent Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Consequent-Implication);
[Universal Implication Double Both Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Double-Both-Implication);
[Geomapping] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Geomapping-feature) of all the searches above and filter results by category/row;
[Similarity Tree Search] (https://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer/wiki/Similarity-tree);
- Ruby 1.9.x
- MySQL 5.5.x
- R server
Download it!
$ git clone git://github.com/linguisticexplorer/Linguistic-Explorer.git
Bundle it!
$ cd Linguistic-Explorer
$ bundle install
Configure it!
$ cp yamls/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Edit your MySQL account data for development and test environment:
$ vim config/database.yml
Create tables and seed them
$ rake db:setup
Run it!
$ rails server
YAML files are now stored in the yamls
folder: have a look there to configure:
- your MySQL database (see above)
- the import task for CSVs files
- the SSWL import task (for SSWL administrators)
Download seed data from here:
$ git clone git://github.com/dej611/terraling_seed.git
Copy seed data to the doc/data in Terraling:
$ cp -r <path_to_Terraling_seed>/terraling_seed/data <path_to_terraling>/db/seed
Terraling has currently 3 main branches:
- master - this branch contains the latest major version
- patch - this branch contains the latest minor version (usually the deployed one)
- sprint - this branch contains the development code for the newer version
To test yourself the app write in the console
$ rake
It should run both rspec and cucumber tests.
We are looking for some help in this project. Want to help us?
This project is under the MIT License.
Please have a look to the LICENSE file.