Powershell script to upload files to UseNet. I didn't see anything out there to do it via Windows batch. This is my first powershell script. So, please, keep, that, in, mind. :)
I've uploaded this file and a couple of programs you'll need to make it all work. Look in packaged-installs. I did not include winrar...You probably have it installed It's very important to use v1.0.343 of yEncBinPoster included. See this reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/3esv98/looking_for_a_windows_command_line_exe_to_post/
Don't forget to configure yEncBinPoster :)
SPACES ARE EVIL!!! Install rar, mulitpar, and yEncBinPoster_1.0.343 in a path with no SPACES!!!
My dir structure
usenet --MultiPar --RAR --yEncBin_Poster