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UIUC Chapter Website -

This website uses the server-rendered react framework, Next.js for the best of both worlds, react usable components and faster page loads (since this is mostly a static website). We are also able to load configurations, text, etc based on config files (possibly json).

To start development, first install node.js and yarn. Look at the H4I wiki for instructions. Then,

yarn dev

For the optimal development environment, edit your code with vscode and install the eslint plugin then press Cmd + Shift + P to open the command palette and then search and click Eslint: Enable Eslint. Then, go to the settings (Cmd + Shift + P then type open user settings) and search for Eslint. Afterwards, click the checkbox for Eslint: Auto Fix On Save. This would automatically format your code as you go.


Project Pages

Each project page is under /projects/{project_id}. Ex: /projects/c2tc-1 - this goes to the sp2018 project. /projects/c2tc-2 goes to the fa18 project, etc. Look into /data/projectData.js for the projects detail. /projects just goes to the regular project page listing all the projects.

People Pictures

Whenever you need to add a new member to the organization, whether to the /about or /project page, you would need to add a photo of them to the folder /static/images/people/ and name it {name}.jpg. Ex: for Timothy Ko, timothy_ko.jpg. Fill in the spaces with _. Then, in any configuration file for their name, put in the name itself (Timothy Ko)

Project Data configuration

The Project Data configuration file will hold a list of dictionaries (which are semesters specifying the projects that happened there). Each field must exist.

Look at for a template when adding a project

Each Semester has the following...

  • semester: ex: Fall 2018
  • projects: List[Objects]
    • name: Full Name of Client
    • id: id for the page ex: /projects/lwb goes to the project with id lwb
    • detail: detail shown below each project card (in the regular projects list)
    • coverImagePath: image shown in each project card
    • clientDetail: paragraph detailing the client and who they are. Shown in the project banner.
    • clientLink: link to the Client's website. Used in the Learn More Button in the project banner
    • clientFeatures: array of features about the client
      • title: example is In Donations
      • detail: example is$324 Million`
    • problem: problem text shown below the Problem in the specific project's page
    • problemImagePath: the image for this section
    • solution: solution text
    • solutionImagePath: self explanatory
    • features: List[Object] (can make this null)
      • title: str
      • detail: str
      • imgPath: optional but shows feature's images.
    • techStack: List[str] (Must match the techStackMasterList in /components/projects/projectTechStack.js)
    • quote: Quote from client. (can be null)
    • quoteSource: name of the source of the quote (can be null if quote is null)
    • quoteTitle: the title of the source of the quote (can be null if `quoteq is null)
    • githubLink: link to the github source code of the project
    • `projectLink: link to the project's current deployable link. Or a link to a youtube video, gif, etc.
    • team: Object
      • type: either no-pic or pic
      • details (this can either be { pm: "Timothy Ko", tl: "Aria Malkani", swe: ["Hana Rimawi", "Michael Chen"]} for type no-pic. OR [{name: "Timothy Ko", role: "Product Manager"}, {name: "Aria Malkani", role: "Tech Lead"}, {name: "Hana Rimawi", role: "Software Developer"}]) for type pic
    • featureImgSize: (int) Bootstrap column size for the image in a feature Slider. This is to combat rectangle screenshots (vertical rectangles(phone screenshots) dont fit well with column 6 while rectanges work well with 7) - nullable. FeatureSlider will default to 6 (half)

Apply Pages

For both Nonprofits and Students, both pages pull data from /data/ngoApplyData.js or /data/studentApplyData.js depending on the page.

To close an application cycle, add the closed prop to the component ApplicationProcess in the relevant page and the closedText will display. Remember to update currentSemester and nextSemester to the correct text because that will affect what the closedText says.

Always remember to update the applicationLink, the Dates, etc. They will all be reflected on our pages. Look into the code to know how to add more faq questions, change the application process, etc. It's pretty straightforward.