To use it just clone and update the readme file for new documentation. Happy testing 😁
This is a starter cucumber selenium project with a POM and has a simple DDT implementation. Feel free to use it!
Check your local devices have installed java globally
java -version
See the docs to install Java.
And check your local devices have browser driver like chromedriver. See the docs here Webdriver.
Folder to store data required for the tests. By default, there is an empty folder. You can easily configure it based on your needs.
This folder is used to store helper files needed in testing, like string generator or somethings.
Pages is a folder to store files that configured to manage your page details. Included elements. There is parent method as BasePage which uses to child pages file. There are some common method. Here is the default list method.
constructor: Set the driver from parameter and set wait function (params: driver)
public BasePage (WebDriver driver){ this.driver = driver; wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(30)); }
waitVisibility: To Wait until the element displayed method (params: element selector)
public void waitVisibility(By elementBy) { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy(elementBy)); }
click: To click the element method (params: element selector)
public void click(By elementBy) { waitVisibility(elementBy); driver.findElement(elementBy).click(); }
writeText: To write text to input element method (params: element selector, string text)
public void writeText(By elementBy, String text) { waitVisibility(elementBy); driver.findElement(elementBy).sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a"), text); }
readText: To read text the element method (params: element selector)
public String readText(By elementBy) { waitVisibility(elementBy); return driver.findElement(elementBy).getText(); }
elementIsDisplayed: To check the element is displayed method (params: element selector)
public void elementIsDisplayed(By elementBy) { waitVisibility(elementBy); driver.findElement(elementBy).isDisplayed(); }
This folder used to manage your test case file. Include step by step of the test. The test file is extended to parent method, namely BaseTest. There are some common method, which uses in child method. Here is the default list method.
setup: To setup the browser which will use to.
teardown: To close the browser.
This folder use to run the test file using junit cucumber.
This folder is store the feature files (cucumber file).