A Node.js Transform Stream implementation that makes wrapping JSON data easy.
# via npm
npm i --save @haensl/json-transform-stream
# or yarn
yarn add @haensl/json-transform-stream
const JSONTransform = require('@haensl/json-transform-stream');
const jsonStream = getJSONObjectStreamFromSomewhere()
Example: Streaming MongoDB cursors in Koa.
const JSONTransform = require('@haensl/json-transform-stream');
// ...
router.get('/some-resource', async (ctx) => {
// query your mongodb
const cursor = await mongo
// query
// don't forget to set the content type _before_ the first chunk
ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = cursor
transform: JSON.stringify // have the mongodb cursor emit JSON stringified chunks
.pipe(JSONTransform()); // wrap the chunks in an array
Since sending plain arrays to clients is exploitable, you might want to wrap your array in an object.
const JSONTransform = require('@haensl/json-transform-stream');
// ...
pre: '{"data":[',
post: ']}'
// Result:
// {
// "data": [
// // data emitted by someJSONStream
// ]
// }
post = ']',
pre = '[',
separator = ','
}) => TransformStream
Default: ']'
. Suffix to append to data emitted by this stream.
Default: '['
. Prefix to prepend to data emitted by this stream.
Default: ','
. Separator to join data emitted by this stream with.
. A Node.js transform stream.