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1 Implement Rpc interface - Implement a clean worker-api-direct invocation interface: the client calls into enclave via rpc call (place_order, withdraw -> dummy functions only).
The following rpc functions should be callable:
• place_order
• cancel_order
• withdraw
• get_balance

remove obsolete rpc functions, including the top pool.
2 Implement Balance Storage in the enclave - In a first step, all balances are stored in a HashMap:
(CurrencyID, AccountID) -> (balance free, balance reserved)
To interact with the storage, an interface should be provided, offering the following interactions:
* read balance of a specific account and ID
* Mutate balances of a specific account and ID
* regular snapshotting to store balances in IPFS with committing the IPFS cid to polkadex chain (ocall to worker) TODO: IPFS or disc?
* (Future work, but should be considered during design phase)update balances from a snapshot
3 Proxy register - The proxy register needs to be loaded from the onchain state to the local enclave memory (e.g. atomic pointer) at initial start up (init chain relay function or something).
The following two interaction function should be provided:
* Check if the given AccountID is registered
* Check if the given AccountID (proxy) and AccountID (main) are assosciated
* add proxy account to list
* remove proxy account from list
4 reimplement indirect invocation upon new onchain block - The worker subscribes to polkadex chain and upon new finalized block, it gets the block header and calls into the enclave.
5 get_balance call via rpc interface 1,2,3 Restructure the current trusted getter get_balance such that the balance will not be called from stf state but from the balance hash map.
For call authorisation, the signature and nonce need to be verified (can be more or less copied from current stf checks)
Additionally, it needs to be checked if the calling proxy account is registered.
6 Trusted operation call withdraw via rpc interface 1,2,3,5 Implement a trusted call that allows a proxy account to release a choosabel amount of a currencyID of the main account.
For authenticiation, the nonce and signature need to be checked, aswell as the asssociation of the registered (!) proxy and the main account.
Proxy account free reserve > amount withdraw
Upon succes the enclave will update local balance map (move money from proxy to main) and perform an ocall to the worker to call the ocex pallet::release function to mutate onchain balance of main acc.
7 Implement openFinex jsonrpc api & ws listening to updates on Finex side
subscribe matches
- upon PolkaDEX GW call, the api needs to be able to create the corresponding json string to call the rpc OpenFinex RPC server.
Upon worker start, a websocket client within enclave should be started that is listening to the openFinex server for match updated (subscribe_matches)
8 Add Orderbook mirror storage & interface in worker and enclave Workerside: Design the orderbook mirror DB such that it allows the storage of a order and the removal of it. Each order is stored in plain text (human readable) in a file.
To lower delay as much as possible: start new thread to store order in mirror db (for each order one file) and do not wait for thread to finish before returning.
Enclave side: Implement an interface that allows easy storage and removal of an oder: sign the file & ocalls into the worker to store the file there.
Verify match: Disc call or local memorxy storage?
9 Implement rpc functions place_oder and cancel_order 1,2,7,8 Via Trusted Call. Authentication of proxy&assocication to main acc. Verify nonce & signature. & if proxy owns enough money of currencyID
Upon successful authentication, store order via storage interface in worker (in memory storage aswell?)
Then reserve balance of proxy account on local enclave store
Then issue corresponing call to finex api. Upon Ok from Finex return OrderID to client
10 Implement match_verify upon Finex ws call 2,7 When ws receives a call from openFinex, it calls the Polkadex GW, which verifies the following:
* both orders are stored in enclave
* authenticates the sender (SSL, certificate matching engine)
* orders are matching in terms of currencyID and limits
If successful, mutate balances accordingly and remove orders from the order list
11 Implement register_proxy and update_balance 3,4 The enclave iterates through all received block. Upon "register proxy" detection, the enclave adds the proxy account to its proxy list. Upon update_balance it mutates the main account accordingly (free -> reserved)
12 Demo bash script last A demo bash script will be supplied to show usage examples
• create account and fund from faucet • register proxy account (with no onchain balance)
• deposit funds
• send orders
• cancel orders
• subscribe to matches
• withdraw with direct or indirect invocation


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