Esteghrar is a software orchestrator based on Memar framework. Because we chose Unikernels(Exokernels) instead of Containers style, It will be a VM Orchestration not precisely like other tools (e.g. K8s, ...). Unlike other tools that need to operate and maintain separately from organization software(External observer), Esteghrar makes the organization software self-awareness(Internal observer). This will add more intelligence to any software that uses(embeds) Estghrar modules, without the need to use any AI models.
In one word Esteghrar want to add the ability to reproduction to any software, that It is most important factor of what we call life.
- Plug and Play to any software without need to do anything to make it, a distributed software! e.g. without need to config first, ...
- As nanos kernel said, all kernels (e.g. Linux, ...) and orchestration(e.g. k8s, nomad, ...) develep to run and orchestrate multiple applications, but like nanos, Esteghrar also develop to handle just one application.
- Add full system observability (insight) without need to do anything by any one(NoOps).
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