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A framework agnostic design system and component library based on web components and SCSS.


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Catalyst Design System


Package Description Status Docs
@haiilo/catalyst Core web components Core README
@haiilo/catalyst-tokens Style Dictionary design tokens Tokens README
@haiilo/catalyst-angular Angular bindings for components Angular README
@haiilo/catalyst-angular-formly Angular custom types for Formly Angular README
@haiilo/catalyst-react React bindings for components React README
@haiilo/catalyst-vue View bindings for components README


Please take a look at the official design documentation at and follow the Getting Started guide to learn how to setup your project locally.

When installing dependencies with npm or Yarn Classic, all packages are hoisted to the root of the modules directory. As a result, source code has access to dependencies that are not added as dependencies to the project. In the past, this has resulted in a number of indeterministic errors, that are very hard to debug. As a consequence, this monorepo uses pnpm as a package manager. Please follow the installation guide to get started.

When working with pnpm, we recommend to set the following aliases in your .bashrc, .zshrc, or

alias pn='pnpm'
alias pnr='pnpm run'
alias pni='pnpm install'
alias pns='pnpm run start'
alias pnb='pnpm run build'
alias pnt='pnpm run test'


Creating a new version via CI (recommended)

The entire release process is automated via Google's release please action. Release Please automates CHANGELOG generation, the creation of GitHub releases, and version bumps for all projects of the monorepo. As of now, the version numbers of all projects are kept in sync. That means that releasing a new version will increase the version of every project, even if the project has not been changed.

Every commit that is prefixed with conventional commit guidelines triggers the creation (or update) of a release PR in the GitHub project. The PR is labeled with "autorelease: pending". These Release PRs are kept up-to-date as additional work is merged. When you're ready to tag a release, simply merge the release PR. When the Release PR is merged, release-please takes the following steps:

  • Updates the CHANGELOG file(s), along with other language specific files (for example package.json).
  • Tags the commit with the version number.
  • Creates a GitHub Release based on the tag.

Additionally, the new release is directly published to npm.

Manually creating a new version (not recommended)

All projects in the repository are using semantic-release and define helper scripts in the respective package.json files. To create a new release bundle (i.e. release all projects in a new version), simply use the following combination of utility scripts provided in the top level package.json:

  • Run pnpm run release:{patch|minor|major} to create a new version in every project of the repository.
  • Run pnpm run build to build all projects.
  • Run pnpm install to install dependencies for every project.
  • Run pnpm run publish to publish every project to
  • Run git push --follow-tags origin main to push your changes.

Note: Make sure you are logged in with your npm account and you have permissions to release under the haiilo organisation. Otherwise contact one of the collaborators to request access.

Code contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


The license can be found in the LICENSE file.