Here are a set of exercise for learning Kubernetes and preparing for CKAD certification exam offered by The Linux Foundation feel free to go through them. Each exercise have some useful links about them. You can either perform these exercises on your own, on minikube or any other multinode kubernetes setup you have or you can also go through them in KillerCoda env, having same setup as the CKAD exam.
Along with these textual questionaries. Here are free simulated exercises in KillerCoda
- Pods
- Label and selectors
- Replica Sets
- Environment Variables
- Volumes(Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim)
- Config Maps
- Secrets
- Service Account
- Security Context
- Resources Quota
- Resources Limit and Ranges
- Resource Requests
- Node Selector
- Taints and Tolarations
- Node Affinity
- Multi-container Pods
- Init Containers
- Liveness and Readiness Probe
- Container Logging
- Deployments
- Deployment types(Rolling Update, Blue Green, Canary)
- services
- Ingress
- Network Policies
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Jobs
- CronJobs
- Custom Resource Definition
- Helm fundamentals
- Configure your Environment
- kubectl Cheat Sheet
- Get a Shell to a Running Container
- Configure Access to Multiple Clusters
- Accessing Clusters using API
- Use Port Forwarding to Access Applications in a Cluster
Open For PR? Fixing an error/Providing alternative way to solve/Adding an extra question/solution
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