Easy to use PHP library to post messages in Fleep using incoming webhook integrations.
Download Fleep.php and require/include it in your PHP file.
include 'Fleep.php';
// Use the url you got earlier
$fleep = new Fleep('https://fleep.io/hook/Z95mXXXXXXXXXXyZZZ');
// Create a new message
$message = new FleepMessage($fleep);
$message->setMessage("Hello world!");
// Send it!
if ($message->send()) {
echo "Hurray 😄";
} else {
echo "Failed 😢";
Check out https://fleep.io/blog/integrations/webhooks/ for more details
include 'Fleep.php';
// Use the url you got earlier
$fleep = new Fleep('https://fleep.io/hook/Z95mUpRYR6OKRFbNQ1y9aA');
// Create a new message
$message = new FleepMessage($fleep);
$message->setMessage("Hello world!");
$message->addAttachment('hello.jpg', file_get_contents('asset\1.jpg'), 'image/jpeg');
// Send it!
if ($message->send()) {
echo "Hurray 😄";
} else {
echo "Failed 😢";
$message = new FleepMessage($fleep);
$message->addAttachment('hello1.jpg', file_get_contents('asset\1.jpg'), 'image/jpeg');
$message->addAttachment('hello2.txt', file_get_contents('data.txt'));
All methods support a short syntax. E.g.:
(new FleepMessage($fleep))
->addAttachment($filename1, $attachment1)
->addAttachment($filename2, $attachment2)
Each message initiates a new HTTPS request, which takes some time. Don't send too much messages at once if you are not running your script in a background task.