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Hakan Kargın edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 17 revisions




  • Annotation Command - Command system with annotation for registering commands without plugin.yml.
  • NPC - NPC system for creating and managing client-side NPCs.
  • Database - Database implementation system for multi-database support.
  • Hologram - Hologram system for creating and managing client-side holograms.
  • Scoreboard - Scoreboard system for creating non-flicker scoreboards.
  • Message - Message system to send title, action-bar or boss-bar to player.
  • Packet - Packet system to listen to the packet and send it to the player.
  • Event Subscriber - Event subscribe system to register listeners without any class.
  • Particle - Particle system to play particle effects client-side for any player.
  • Renderer - Renderer system for rendering and sending the package to the closest players.
  • Scheduler - Scheduler system to easily create new scheduler.
  • Inventory - Inventory system for creating and opening special inventories for players.
  • Anvil - Anvil system for receiving input from the player.
  • Sign - Sign system for receiving input from the player.
  • WorldBorder - WorldBorder system to display WorldBorder client-side.
  • ItemBuilder - HItemBuilder class for creating item stacks and manage stacks easily.
  • Yaml - Basic yaml system for creating and manage YAMLs easily.
  • Spam - Spam system to check if the given ID is spamming.
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