Resources to learn how to build great web apps with Angular, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript and more, applying good product engineering practices.
- User Stories - An explanation of what user stories are.
- Git Tutorial
- GitHub Guides
- Learning Markdown for README files
- Git operations explained with graphics - This is super cool! ✌️
- Codecademy Course - Basic course about JavaScript
- Free Code Camp - Free Code Camp is the perfect place to learn full stack web development with JavaScript. But the only thing that matters for us here is JavaScript-only stuff.
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- Callback Hell - In JavaScript and TypeScript there are a lot of asyncronous operations, and they are managed with callbacks. It's common when you are getting started to write multiple callbacks in an ugly way. This article will help you to write good code with callbacks.
TypeScript is like JavaScript but with types.
- Angular 2: Framework to build Progressive Web Applications with TypeScript
- Tour Of Heroes - Basic to tutorial to master concepts of Angular 2
- Guide - Complete guide
- A Better Way to Learn Angular 2 Other basic tutorial.
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From the Advanced Angular 2 topics, the must-read documentation:
- Angular Modules - Multiple modules in an app is great.
- Pipes
- Navigation
- Angular CLI - helps you to make repeated tasks with commands.
- Navigator Menu - Angular 2 - Angular Router Crash Course - Build a Navigation Menu with Bootstrap 4
- Angular 2 Authentication Sample - An example of an Angular 2 app with a simple backend with authentication and authenticated requests.
- Production Quality Apps with Angular 2 - In this tutorial series you'll learn the fundamentals of Angular 2 and how to actually use it for building real world applications.
- Learnyounode - An introduction to Node.js.
- API REST JSON with Node.js and MongoDB - A course to create a REST API with Node.js. (Spanish)
- HTTP Status Codes - A list of all HTTP status codes.
- GitHub API - A great example of how to document a REST API.