A Hamber preprocessor with sensible defaults and support for: PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Pug and much more.
's own parser understands only JavaScript, CSS and its HTML-like syntax. To make it possible to write components in other languages, such as TypeScript or SCSS, Hamber
provides the preprocess API, which allows to easily transform the content of your markup
and your style
Writing your own preprocessor for, i.e SCSS is easy enough, but it can be cumbersome to have to always configure multiple preprocessors for the languages you'll be using.
is a custom hamber preprocessor that acts as a facilitator to use other languages with Hamber, providing multiple features, sensible defaults and a less noisy development experience.
It is recommended to use with hamber.config.js
file, located at the project root. For other usage, please refer to usage documentation.
import preprocess from 'hamber-preprocess';
const config = {
preprocess: preprocess({ ... })
export default config;
Vue-like support for defining your markup between a specific tag. The default tag is template
but it can be customized.
<template src="./template.html"></template>
<script src="./script.js"></script>
<style src="./style.css"></style>
Add a global
attribute to your style
tag and instead of scoping the CSS, all of its content will be interpreted as global style.
<style global>
div {
color: red;
Use a :global
rule to only expose parts of the stylesheet:
<style lang="scss">
.scoped-style {
:global {
@import 'global-stylesheet.scss';
.global-style {
.global-child-style {
Works best with nesting-enabled CSS preprocessors, but regular CSS selectors like div :global .global1 .global2
are also supported.
Note: needs PostCSS to be installed.
allows you to run your component code through Babel before sending it to the compiler, allowing you to use new language features such as optional operators and nullish coalescing. However, note that Babel should transpile your component code to the javascript version supported by the Hamber compiler, so ES6+.
For example, with @babel/preset-env
your config could be:
import preprocess from 'hamber-preprocess'
preprocess: preprocess({
babel: {
presets: [
loose: true,
// No need for babel to resolve modules
modules: false,
targets: {
// ! Very important. Target es6+
esmodules: true,
Note: If you want to transpile your app to be supported in older browsers, you must run babel from the context of your bundler.
Replace a set of string patterns in your components markup by passing an array of [RegExp, ReplaceFn | string]
, the same arguments received by the String.prototype.replace
In example, to replace inject the value of process.env.NODE_ENV
replace: [['process.env.NODE_ENV', JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV)]],
Which, in a production environment, would turn
{#if process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development'}
<h1>Production environment!</h1>
{#if "production" !== 'development'}
<h1>Production environment!</h1>
The current supported languages out-of-the-box are Sass, Stylus, Less, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Pug, PostCSS, Babel.
<template lang="pug">
div Posts +each('posts as post') a(href="{post.url}") {post.title}
<script lang="ts">
export const hello: string = 'world';
<style src="./style.scss"></style>