A simple todo app from Admin perspective. Admin can add, delete and update the todo items for selected user. Also Admin can track any change for any todo item (History Page).
- ReactJS Project built from scratch (No CRA)
- TypeScript
- Json-Server for Fake APIs
- i18next for localization
- Jest & React Testing Library
- Storybook for Components Documentation
- Sass for styling
- Axios
- classnames
- date-fns
- immer
- react-toastify
- yup
- react-icons
- react-helmet
Clone .env.example
and make two copies, one of them rename it to .env
and the other one to .env.production
The .env
file contains a key called BASE_URL
, to run the project locally you should update this key with this value "http://localhost:2022/api/"
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Jest Runner
- ESLint
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- PostCSS Language Support
- DotENV
NodeJS version is
Clone the source code from
In your terminal, navigate to the project directory and execute
npm install
After the previous step, execute
npm run api
to run json-server for fake APIs.4.1. Note: (APIs delayed by 500 ms, you can change it by updating delay value in
script at package.json) -
In a new terminal instance, run
npm run start
to run the project locally. -
Visit http://localhost:3000
- Run
npm run docs
and visit http://localhost:6006/
├── __test__ # all unit test
├── .storybook # contains all storybook needed setup files
├── .vscode # recommended extensions and default workspace setup
├── data # db.json and routes.json files that used by json-server
├── public # all assets needed in the project
├── screenshots
├── src
├── components # all reusable components
├── Business # all reusable components that server specific business
├── Users # users component is a dropdown list bonded with user data
├── UI
├── Dropdown
├── Empty
├── Label
├── Paginator
├── Spinner
├── Textbox
├── configs # all configs or shared configs
├── helpers
├── http
├── asyncer # manager for simplify the promise object
├── requester # wrapper on top of the http library (axios)
├── logger # simple manager contains logging method
├── i18n # internationalization setup
├── interfaces # interfaces for typescript
├── Layouts # parent component for the pages, the layout as a wrapper for the pages with some styles and components
├── Main
├── components # components used only for the Main Layout component
├── Pages
├── Home # the landing page that list the todo for the selected user
├── components # components used only for the Home page component
├── History
├── components # components used only for the Home page component
├── services # wrapper for http calls, also you can write here your business logic
├── stories # static files for the documentation tool (storybook)
├── styles # shared styles (7-1 sass architecture)
├── utils # small utilities for generating numbers, date, etc
├── app.styles.scss
├── App.tsx
├── index.tsx
npm run api
npm run start
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run docs
npm run build:docs
npm run test
npm run coverage
- Write more unit tests.
- Dark Theme
- Support Arabic & RTL