This ML project involves binary classification of dogs and cats using transfer learning with VGG-16 architecture. The goal is to classify images of dogs and cats with about 12,500 training samples in each folder. The project uses DVC (data version control) for managing data. It is built on a microservices architecture and is an end-to-end project. The dataset can be downloaded from this link.
- Tensorflow
- Keras
Complete Project Data Pipeline is available at DagsHub Data Pipeline
1. Python
2. shell scripting
3. aws cloud Provider
4. DVC
1. AWS S3
2. GitHub
3. DaghsHub
conda create --prefix ./env python=3.9
conda activate ./env
pip install -r requirements.txt
dvc init
This project is production ready to be used for the similar use cases and it will provide the automated and orchesrated production ready pipelines(Training & Serving)