Very simple image presenter using PowerShell and WinForms
- Download PSImagePresenter.ps1
- Create a shortcut with proper Target value
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\PSImagePresenter.ps1"
- Bypass the default 'Restricted' execution policy
- Hide 'Normal' black shell console window
- Adjust the path, for example,"C:\Scripts\PSImagePresenter.ps1"
- Run PSImagePresenter.ps1 using the shortcut or from PowerShell
- Drag and drop image files to the listbox
- Remove unwanted files using up/down key and delete key
- Clic the listbox to show the selected image, maximized in the selected screen