This project contains core logic and the utilities for the APIMatic's Java SDK
- The JRE flavor requires
JDK 1.8
Core lib's Maven group ID is io.apimatic
, and its artifact ID is core
Name | Description |
ApiCall |
An API call, or API request, is a message sent to a server asking an API to provide a service or information |
Parameter |
HTTP parameters consist of a type, a name, and a value. These parameters appear in the header and body of an HTTP request. |
ErrorCase |
A class is responsible to generate the SDK Exception |
GlobalConfiguration |
A class which hold the global configuration properties to make a successful Api Call |
HttpRequest |
An HTTP request is made by a client, to a named host, which is located on a server |
ResponseHandler |
Handler that encapsulates the process of generating a response object from a Response |
HttpLogger |
A class to log the Http events. |
HeaderAuth |
A class supports HTTP authentication through HTTP Headers |
QueryAuth |
A class supports HTTP authentication through query parameters |
CoreHttpClientConfiguration |
To hold HTTP Client Configuration |
ApiLoggingConfiguration |
To hold logging configuration |
EndpointConfiguration |
The configuration for an endpoint |
AsyncExecutor |
Executor service for asynchronous HTTP endpoint call |
OptionalNullable |
Class to encapsulate fields which are Optional as well as Nullable |
BaseModel |
Base model for all the models |
CoreApiException |
This is the base class for all exceptions that represent an error response from the server |
MultipartFileWrapper |
To wrap file and headers to be sent as part of a multipart request |
MultipartWrapper |
To wrap byteArray and headers to be sent as part of a multipart request |
CoreHelper |
This is a Helper class with commonly used utilities for the SDK |
DateHelper |
This is a utility class for LocalDate operations |
LocalDateTimeHelper |
This is a utility class for LocalDateTime operations |
ZonedDateTimeHelper |
This is a utility class for ZonedDateTime operations |
XMLDateHelper |
This is a utility class for XML LocalDate operations |
XMLLocalDateTimeHelper |
This is a utility class for XML LocalDateTime operations |
XMLZonedDateTimeHelper |
This is a utility class for XML ZonedDateTime operations |
CoreJsonObject |
Wrapper class for JSON object |
CoreJsonValue |
Wrapper class for JSON value |
TestHelper |
Contains utility methods for comparing objects, arrays and files |
Name | Description |
AsyncResponseHandler |
A Handler that handles the response asynchronously |
RequestExecutor |
A Request executor that executes request and returns the response asynchronously |
RequestSupplier |
A Request Supplier that supplies the request |
TypeCombinator |
This is a container of annotations for oneOf/anyOf cases |