A simple Mastodon client designed for elementary OS, originally developed by @bleakgrey.
First of all you'll need some dependencies to build and run the app:
- meson
- valac
- libgtk-3-dev
- libsoup2.4-dev
- libgranite-dev
- libjson-glib-dev
Then run these commands to build and install it:
meson build --prefix=/usr
ninja -C build install
If you feel like contributing, you're always welcome to help the project in many ways:
- Reporting any issues
- Suggesting ideas and functionality
- Submitting pull requests
- Original project by @bleakgrey
- Olifant Logo by Han "FanOKnives" Aral
- Name of forked project by Kev Quirk
- Features coded and bugs fought by @jcamposz
- Medel typeface by Ozan Karakoc
- French translation by @Larnicone
- Polish translation by @m4sk1n
- German translation by @koyuawsmbrtn
- Simplified Chinese translation by @gloomy-ghost