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@hanazuki/node-jsonnet is a libjsonnet binding for Node.js (native addon), which supports all the basic Jsonnet functionality including import and native callbacks (std.native). It also comes with TypeScript type definitions.


import { Jsonnet } from "@hanazuki/node-jsonnet";
const jsonnet = new Jsonnet();

// Evaluates a simple Jsonnet program into a JSON value
jsonnet.evaluateSnippet(`{a: 1 + 2, b: self.a * 3}`)
       .then(json => console.log(JSON.parse(json)));  // => { a: 3, b: 9 }

// Jsonnet programs can use JavaScript values through external variables (std.extVar)
// and native callbacks (std.native).
jsonnet.extCode("x", "4")
       .nativeCallback("add", (a, b) => Number(a) + Number(b), "a", "b")
       .evaluateSnippet(`std.extVar("x") * std.native("add")(1, 2)`)
       .then(json => console.log(JSON.parse(json)));  // => 12

The library is documented in the TypeScript type definitions at types/index.d.ts, and HTML documentation is also available online.

Installation Requirements

  • Node.js v18 or later
  • GCC or Clang C++ compiler that supports C++17
  • CMake 3.10 or later


@hanazuki/node-jsonnet is licensed under the MIT License (See LICENSE file for the terms). libjsonnet, whose source code is bundled in the distributed NPM packages of @hanazuki/node-jsonnet, is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (See third_party/jsonnet/LICENSE in this package or LICENSE file in the original repository). libjsonnet also bundles third-party software that is subject to other OSS licenses.