Amidst ongoing fears of Covid-19, people have been panic buying and it has become a struggle to get the supplies you need. Everyday items have become limited. Therefore, this mobile app guides you through methods of rationing, managing your inventory, and reminding you when you are low on goods.
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iOS mobile app that lets you add an item you wish to stock into your inventory through the Input Page. View list of all items in the Inventory Page. Update your usage of items in the Home Page. And most importantly, reminds the user when their most pressing expiration date is coming.
- Home Page
- Input Page
- Inventory Page
- Info Page
The Home Page launches after a loading screen (Image 1). The Home Page is where users can update any usage of their items. There is also a reminder for the most pressing expiration date that is approaching (Image 2).
The Input Page lets you add new items to your inventory (Image 1). When adding a new item or updating any value of an item, alerts are displayed while also saving the data through AsyncStorage (Image 2).