This code snippet generates a graphic with the Day +7 Solar and Wind production in Belgium
Energy Forecast Visualization
This project includes a Python script for fetching, processing, and visualizing energy forecast data. The script pulls data from specified URLs, processes it using Pandas, and visualizes the data with Matplotlib.
Before running this script, ensure that you have Python installed on your system. If not, you can download and install Python from
This project requires several Python libraries: Pandas, Matplotlib, and Requests. You can install these libraries using pip, Python's package manager.
Run the following command to install all required libraries:
bash Copy code pip install pandas matplotlib requests Usage
To run the script, simply execute it with Python. The script will automatically fetch data for the current date and the following seven days, process this data, and display a cumulative forecast chart.
bash Copy code python Script Details This is the main script of the project. It fetches wind and solar energy forecast data from provided URLs, processes the data, and plots a cumulative forecast chart. Contributing
Contributions to this project are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.
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