Licensed under GPL-3, see license.txt for full license. Also check out for a summary
This project is made to try to make it easier to find apartments to rent in Karlskrona, and hopefully more cities in the future!
- Fix template file
- Karlshamn
- Karlskrona
- Växjö
Name | type |
mId | int |
mArea | String |
mCity | String |
mAddress | String |
mUrl | String |
mRooms | Double |
mSize | int |
mRent | int |
mIdentifier | String (optional) |
mLandlord | String |
mAdded | Date |
mStudent | boolean |
####POST - /api/apartment#### Get a single apartment from apartment id.
Parameters | type |
apartment | int (ex. 4578) |
Response: Apartment json object
####GET - /api/apartments#### Get default apartments (all apartments in Karlskrona)
Response: Json array of apartment objects
####POST - /api/apartments#### Get all apartments from a specific city.
Parameters | type |
city | String (ex. Karlskrona), the "all"-keyword can be used to get a list of all apartments from every city |
Response: Json array of apartment objects