Go real time budget sharing app for CSE 40842. this full-stack web app is a real-time budget-sharing platform that allows users to track expenses, add new expenses, and visualize spending by category using a pie chart, with the ability to monitor and manage a shared budget collaboratively.
the backend is build in Go to handle HTTP requests, manage WebSocket connections, and serve real-time budget updates for users. Javascript file manages client-side functionality, such as real-time communication with the Go backend via WebSockets, updating the expenses list, and to dynamically generating the pie chart using Chart.js.
the app is deployed through Railway. you can see a live version here.
to run the app, you'll need to have Go installed.
- download Go: visit the Go offcial download page and download the latest stable version for your OS.
after installation, open your terminal check for Go version to see if it's successfully installed
go version
to get the source code for the app, clone the repository from GitHub:
clone the repo: open you terminal and run:
git clone https://github.com/haotianw177/go-budget-sharing-app
navigate to the project directory:
cd go-budget-sharing-app
If your app has external dependencies, you'll need to download them. Run the following command in the terminal:
go mod tidy
open a terminal and type:
go run main.go
open a browser window and type: