You need:
build and install them.
It's UUID value is 0000-0000-0000. Its parent entity must be empty.
- You must set the parent of an entity.
- The only properties you may set at creation are:
- name
- description
- notes
- parent
You may modify the following fields in the POST
- name
- description
- notes
- Children must be empty
- Entity must point to an existing non-root entity
- If you associate a venue, it must exist.
- You must use an existing device type. Device type cannot be empty.
- Name, description, notes are allowed.
- You can modify the device type to another valid one.
- If you include an entity, the parent must bot be set
- if you include a parent, the entity must not be set
- You cannot have children upon creation.
- You may include an array of devices UUIDs
- Topology and design cannot be set
To support geocoding help, you need to configuration the following in the configuration file. Geocoding is used when creating location and when reporting analytics.
geocodeapi = google
google.apikey = **********************************
Currently, only google Geocoding is supported. Additional methods may be added in the future.
FMS is already integrated with OpenWifi. In order to allow it to upgrade devices automatically, you should set the following values.
firmware.updater.upgrade = <true/false>
firmware.updater.releaseonly = <true/false>
Should FMS attempt to upgrade devices by default.
Should only RC software be used during upgrades.